The killers

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Honestly the past I had wanted Yami to have was a LOT darker but I figured I should keep this a little under control.

Please comment what you think!


"How could you be so reckless and sign up for school!" Seto yells at me from my couch as he works his magic on the computer.

School had ended an hour ago and yet he had yet to stop pestering me about it.

"You yourself signed up for school just so you could be close to Joseph, I don't know why you are yelling at me about it," I reply from my bed while drawing a sketch of Yugi in my notebook. It wasn't bad, the eyes looked almost as beautiful as the real thing.

He sighs and all goes quiet for a moment before he walks in carrying his laptop. He left his long white coat in my living room, but he still looks over dressed in his black turtleneck shirt and black pants while sporting black leather boots that go up to his knees. I quickly shut my notebook so he doesn't see the doodle and set the book on my nightstand.

"What is it that you wanted me to hack into?" he asks, sitting down on the end on my bed with his laptop in his lap.

"I want all reports of activity surrounding the Motou's in Domino city," I say starring up at the ceiling.

"So I was right, you like Yugi," Seto says with a smirk while he types.

"No, his parents were both murdered when he was young, thats all," I say, keeping my voice steady as to not give away my lie.

"Really, huh," is all he says before focusing on hacking into the police records.

Hmmm, I wonder what Yugi is doing right now...maybe he hanging out with his friends or his grandfather. What if he is just thinking, like I am. That brings up something else, who does he like? He seemed kind of close with that Tea girl, if its her I won't mind popping over and ending her, for that matter I don't mind exterminating everyone but Yugi and myself if thats what it takes.

"Yami, Im in, what do you want to know?" Seto asks me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Did the police ever find out who it was that killed Yugi's parents?" I ask, sitting up and watching him.

"Yes and no, your not going to like this," Seto says looking up from the laptop, "They were murdered by a gang that rules the underbelly of the city, the gang calls themselves the millennium rulers. There are seven leaders among them, one is your killer."

"A whole gang? I think this will be a nice challenge, thanks for the help Seto," I say standing up and stretching.

"Don't get yourself killed," Seto says pursing his lip while he packs up his laptop and walks out of my bedroom. I follow him, grabbing three blueberry muffins from the kitchen table as we pass by it and offer one to him.

"Do you think I have a chance against these guys?" I ask as he picks up his coat and heads for my front door.

"Well," he pauses, looking over his shoulder at me with his icy blue eyes, "you are skilled so you might be able to take them down if you use your head."

As he walks out the door I half smile and nod, "Thanks again, bye Seto."

Now what? Wait for night and start hunting down members of the gang? Night is so far off and I know I'm not nearly patient enough to just sit around and wait.

Maybe I should give Yugi a heads up about my discovery, it is his family that was murdered....

I shrug and walk out the door, closing it behind me, not bothering to lock it. The fresh air hits me like a welcomed friend, setting me at ease and clearing my head. The streets are full of cars but the sidewalks are empty, leaving me to a peaceful walk.

Yugi's house isn't far away, it took me only minutes to walk to. I ponder what to do now, go inside the Game Shop that is part of his home and ask for him or go in from his window. Going in through the window in daylight probably would raise a lot of unwanted attention but is the most comfortable for me while going into the Game Shop is more practical.

With a soft sigh I walk into the Game Shop. All around me I see games on shelves though most seem to revolve around a card game. I walk up to an old man behind a counter and smile, thins must be Yugi's grandfather.

"Hello, can I help you?" he asks in a raspy voice smiling back at me.

"I was wondering if Yugi was around," I reply looking around.

"Oh, your one of Yugi's friends! He is in his room, right through that door back there and up the stairs," he says pointing at a green door at the back of the store. Knew I should have just gone with the window....

"Thank you," I say with a polite smile and make my way to the door.

Past the door is a living room with orange carpet and walls. A coffee table sits in the center of a green rug surrounded by a green couch and lounge chairs. Off to the side is a kitchen with a dining table in the middle. At the back of the room is a green stair case leading upstairs.

I walk up the stairs and come to a hallway with three doors, the one on the left leading to a small bathroom, the one on the right leading to the grandfather's bedroom and the one directly in front is closed.

I knock on the door and wait until a confused looking Yugi opens it.

"Yami what are you doing here?" he asks letting me into the room.

"I wanted to let you know I found out who killed your parents and I'm going after them tonight," I say, watching as his face becomes sullen then serious.

"I want to join you," he says firmly.

"No you don't," I reply, sitting in the chair at his desk.

"Yes I do," he says crossing his arms which I can't help but think makes him look cuter.

"Yugi, Im going to be killing people, you don't want to see that."

"I already have," he says looking down at his feet.

"Alright, you can come as well," I say, mostly to cheer him up.

"Thanks!" he says perking up, smiling at me.

"No problem, want a muffin?" I ask holding one out to him. He grins and takes one, nibbling on it while watching me.

I wonder how tonight will go, I hope he listens to what I tell him to do at least.


Ugg that was terrible AND short, sorry guys, its just late.

Continued later

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