|Summer Song|

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"As the summer fades,my memory recalls a distant a tune. A song of love played by the Piper. His flute making my heart skip a beat"


Melissa's pov-

The articles of clothing are strewn all across my room. Ever since I returned from Vienna with my family, only one thought has plagued my mind. Thoughts of him. Presently I am trying to pack my suitcase because I need to visit Somerset to unwind. I have two weeks before my wedding.

There is a knock at the door. I open to see my mother standing outside, holding a tray, which contained a plate of my favorite chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.

She sat beside me on the bed and kept the tray on the side table. She clasped my hand in hers to comfort me. I understood what that meant.

"Whats bothering you Melissa?" She asked

"I don't know mother, but, is it wrong if I say I am scared of giving him a second chance?"

"No. There is nothing wrong with getting scared. You loved him once and he broke your heart. It's completely understandable."

"Why do I feel, that this marriage is just a cruel joke? A mockery of my feelings?"

"Its neither a joke or mockery of your feelings darling. Your grandma was a wise woman and she felt that you two are perfect for each other".

" I am not sure what I want. Not anymore".

"Look deeper, into the depths of your heart and say, say that you don't want this. Only you know the correct answer to this question. Your heart will tell if you are right or wrong".

" Think wisely. We are with you, no matter what decision you take. Now eat quickly and come downstairs. Your car is ready for you".

"Thank you, mother and I will come in a few minutes".

My mind buzzed with million questions and I felt weak all of a sudden.

My mind buzzed with million questions and I felt weak all of a sudden

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Artherio's pov-

I threw the files off my table. Frustration and fear gnawing me from inside. There was a reason for this feeling. My wedding is going to take place after two weeks and Melissa is still angry with me. My work is keeping me detained here when I desperately want to resolve this issue between us and dissolve all the lines that had been drawn between the both of us.

Scarlett, my secretary entered with her tablet to inform me about my upcoming meeting. At the same time, dad entered. He took the tablet from my secretary and dismissed her. I quirked my eyebrows in confusion.

" Son". He said in an authoritative tone. He was talking like a businessman, not a doting father.
" It seems that work is keeping you two apart. I will take over for these two weeks, you go and make it up to her. Love is a vital element in a successful marriage". I breathed in relief after hearing my father say that.

I dashed off, eager to meet the woman who had starred my dreams constantly.

By the time I reached the airport, my private plane was ready to depart. When I entered, I found my two musketeers already enjoying themselves.

" Look who decided to show up at the last minute". Demetri said, mocking me.

"We are glad you could come".Said, Natalie

I took the window seat, Natalie and Demetri were sitting opposite me. He was eating grapes which Natalie was feeding him from a bowl.

These two were crazy. Love can turn wise folks into fools. I wonder if Melissa would forgive me or not.

The pilot announced to put on our seatbelts and the plane took off. I put on my headphone to listen to some music from my iPod. While listening to music, I dozed off into dreamland where I dreamt of her.

In my mind, I made a promise to myself that I would win her heart and become her hero again. Somerset will witness the revival of summer love.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! Means a lot to me

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! Means a lot to me. What will happen in Somerset? Will their love sizzle like fire?

 What will happen in Somerset? Will their love sizzle like fire?

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