|The Greek Billionaire|

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"My father once told me that if you believe in yourself you can reach great heights"


Artherio's pov-

The Pelkiss family is the equivalent of modern day royalty in Greece. We own many restaurants ,hotels, manufacturing plants and recently, I ventured into a shipping industry.

Although I am the CEO of the company, but when it comes to making a big decision, I always consult my father.

Father has been my mentor and a dear friend. After the betrayal of my mother we have bonded more and I have steered clear of any relationship because of that my impending wedding loomed upon me like a shadow.

My father insisted that I should get married as I need an heir to the company. I had tried to dissuade him but in the end, I had to give in to his wish.

Some may call me ruthless, cold-hearted or the devil, but for my family and my friends I am a happy going, lucky kind of guy.

I hate the word marriage, yet that was the very thing which will take place in a few weeks time.

Demetri was sitting in front of me and was smiling sweetly at me. He was up to something again.

"I heard that a certain someone was getting married to the Wilkins heiress" He said in a sarcastic tone.

The bastard was mocking me. There was a mischievous glint in his dull brown eyes. I stopped pacing in my room. My head was throbbing in pain
and I was cursing myself for being foolish enough to let my father control my life.

"You should help your friend in distress , not laugh at their expense."
He laughed loudly slapping my arm with his hand. I glared at him which was futile.

"Marriage is not a bad thing Artherio . It has many good aspects."

I sighed. He didn't know that the woman I am going to marry is the same women , with whom I fell in love with fourteen years ago.

Suddenly everything faded around me and I found myself in Somerset, fourteen years ago.

She was wearing a white lace dress paired with red boots. Her untamed hair caught in sunlight, glowed. What captivated me was her soft, childish laughter.

She was laughing all by herself in the garden behind the house, watching the butterfly.

Her eyes reminded me of the ocean, enticing me to plunge in. She was so beautiful. She was sweet and simple. I stealthily approached her and introduced myself.

We walked in the field close to the house. There was sparkle in her eyes when she narrated me something. Presently she was telling me about her summer adventures here in Somerset.

More than the stories I found her interesting. I sneaked glances at her when she was busy narrating. I also realized that I was truly, madly, deeply in love with her. My heart beat matched with hers , creating a slow song.

That was the best summer of my life.
We parted our ways and promised each other to be together forever.

I broke the promise.

There was a loud bang which woke me up from my reverie.

There was a loud bang which woke me up from my reverie

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Demetri raised his eyebrows in suggestion and smiled. " Are you thinking about her? Someone seems interested."

It was my turn to laugh. "My friend, you don't know who she is. "

Then he focused his attention on me and asked," Who is she?"

I told him about Somerset. What happened fourteen years ago. About her and my feelings. It felt good to let it all out. I had suppressed it far too long.

"So are you saying that Melissa is the girl you fell in love fourteen years ago. Never knew the devil could fall in love."

"Everything has changed Dem."

"I know." Demetri said thoughtfully.

"You never showed me her picture. You lucky bastard."

I took out a photograph from my desk drawer. She was smiling unaware that someone else was watching her.

"She is a Goddess man. The Greek Billionaires Goddess."

We decided to have lunch so we left the office but the quarrel with Melissa at the ball still lingered back in my mind.

We decided to have lunch so we left the office but the quarrel with Melissa at the ball still lingered back in my mind

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The Greek Billionaires Goddess

THE GREEK BILLIONAIRES GODDESS #FeaturedWhere stories live. Discover now