|Forgotten lyrics|

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Some lyrics never leave you,
they bind you in a spell.
As young hearts sing,
the forlorn daises dance away;
and the merry men strung their guitar.
May Summer go and Winter come.
My little girl has grown up.
With promises to make and secrets to keep, this lonely life seeks a warmth.
To love and loss, to hold and behold.
I seek the truth.
Love is old as time spins yearn.
This day has yet to come.
On this note I end my ode,
to my beautiful soul.

- Forgotten Lyrics

By mahreen97



I didn't think I would ever fall in love but I did. Love. How pathetic was I ? I actually believed he loved me. His words and actions showed that he loved me or was he pretending all along. Men they know how to fool you and I blindly stepped into his trap. Stupid! I uttered all the curse words which I knew.

Before I knew it,hot tears started falling from my eyes and I couldn't  stop myself. I buried my face in my pillow and started sobbing. It was like the downpour of torrential rain. Nothing like the drizzle rain in a hot summer but something similar to the heavy, never ending rain in monsoon.
I didn't know how long I cried until the door opened. Soft foot steps treaded carefully in my direction.

"Hey! You should eat something, it's already evening and you have not eaten anything since breakfast." A gentle male voice said.

I disentangled myself  from the pillow and looked up. My eyes were red and blotchy by now but I didn't care.

"What are you doing here?", I said in a croaky voice and winced at how it sounded.

The man didn't immediately reply. He seemed more interested in watching me.

"Well, I came to visit you guys and then I heard about your miserable state. You should know that the asshole doesn't deserve you. If he valued you and even loved you he wouldn't have deserted you. There is nothing you can do to change everything but you should stop letting him hurt you. The first step to achieve that is to forget him. I know it's difficult and hard to move on but for your sake and everyone else's you should do it." He said with a smile.

There was something reassuring in his words and I felt like a cloud has been lifted to let the sunshine in.

"If I didn't know you Ronan, I would think that you are trying to impress me." I said in a teasing tone.

He shook his head. The smile was still there. Suddenly it dawned on me that I never saw him dating or with any other female. Was he gay or something? Then I recalled that he spent most of his time at our house other than school and his home. Did he like one of my sister's? He wouldn't be interested in Melinda, she was too spoiled and younger than him. Oh my God. It couldn't be! But it was so obvious. He liked Melanie, my other sister and Ronan's best friend.

"You seemed to be in deep thought. What are you thinking?", he asked with worried eyes.

I decided to confirm my suspicion.

"Do you love Melanie?", I asked suddenly unable to contain my curiosity any longer.

The question caught him off guard and he suddenly seemed nervous. He lowered his eyes and answered.

"Yes. I love her. More than anything else in the world. I would gladly swallow poison,take a bullet or give up everything. Just for her. Only her." He confessed.

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