|When love comes....|

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Natalie pov-

What have I done? Both of them love me. This is so, so.....

I don't know why Demetri would even suggest divorce. Does he love me so much that he is willing to let me go?
This guilt is eating me alive.

My cell-phone starts to ring. With one swift movement I take it in my hands and answer it. The caller informs me that my husband has been hit by a semi- truck and has been hospitalised.

The doctors have found a bullet, but they were relieved when they found that it had just missed the heart by a couple of centimetres. Two of rib cage bones have been damaged.

I run out of the front door, barely remembering to close it.
"Hospital now!" I scream at the driver. He nods in acknowledgement.

The scenery outside was a blur for me. All I wanted was to be near him, to be there for him when he needed me the most.

I didn't notice that the driver had already opened the door until he coughed to get my attention. I scrambled out of the car and ran inside. I reached the reception and they told me that my husband is in ICU.
I run as fast as my legs will take me to his room, almost taking out an old man. When I opened the door, I could barely breathe, not just because of all the running but because of the anxiety of seeing him.
The doctor and nurse glanced my way and I walked to the doctor to shake his hand.

"Who are you miss?"

"I am the patients wife."

"I am Doctor Ben. Nice to meet you!"

Then the doctor briefs me about the condition he was brought in and how the surgery went.

" Your husband is a strong man. He will survive, you need to take care of him. He may have blackouts as he has hit his head preety hard. We are not sure if he has any memory loss or not.
We are doing everything to keep him healthy and comfortable. He is responsive to the medication. He will wake up soon. Come with me you
need to fill some papers which is a standard procedure."

I followed the doctor, filled the papers and did all the necessary things ,then sat beside him on his bed. I wanted to be as close to him as possible.

I felt some kind of movement beside me in the evening. I woke up from sleep to see him smiling."Never scare me like that ever again Demetri, I don't know what I would do without you".

"Seems so and no I won't leave you, I will always be there for you. Now give me a kiss love".

The couple began to kiss slowly pouring their love and frustration.

Arthrio's pov-

Natalie had texted me saying that Demetri is in hospital. I wasted no time in coming to the hospital. I was contemplating if I should go inside and talk to Demetri but seeing them having their moment I decided to leave. I called detective Michael who is one of the best detectives and a former CIA agent.

He picked up after the second ring. I told him about Demetri's accident and about my suspicion. Michael told me not to worry because he will investigate the case. He told me to be careful.

Somehow I couldn't shake off this feeling that someone was watching us. I pocketed my phone and gave the flowers to the nurse who was about to go into Demetri's cabin for a quick checkup.

After leaving the hospital I dialed my father's number. He answered immediately.

"What is it son?" my father asked.

"It's Demetri Pate. He has been shot and hit by a truck." I said, my voice quivering.

"I have seen it in the news." Father replied.

He paused for a minute, then continued, " The accident was meant for you son. It's just happens to be fate's play that changed the intended target."

After hearing this I broke down completely. I got strange stares from the hospital staff but I ignored them. I have never felt so guilty in my whole life.

My father spoke again, his voice much more serious now. His demeanor completely changed.

"You have to be strong son, for yourself, for Natalie and Demetri."

I stared at the ground, finding it more interesting than the conversation on the phone.

He continued, " I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of everything. The calm atmosphere before the raging storm."

Suddenly everything seemed like a distant memory, a flashback, a part of some kind of drama in television. Before I could think anything else I fainted.

When I woke up it was late night, I found myself surrounded by white walls and expensive art works. My throat felt perched so I searched everywhere for water. I was surprised when a hand gave me a glass of water. That's when I realized I was in the hospital lying on a bed. There was an Iv connected to my hand which had fluid.

"You are finally awake." A voice said from beside me.

The voice seemed familiar. I looked at my left side and there sat my father still in his office clothes. He looked like he had aged more years in the last few hours than his actual age.

" How long have you been sitting here?" I asked regaining my strength to speak.

He smiled at me.

"Three hours, I have been sitting here." He replied like it didn't matter.

I sat up on the bed and stretched my hands. It felt so good.

" Michael called an hour ago while you were sleeping." He said.

That got my attention and I looked at him.

I guess seeing the curiosity in my eyes he decided to tell me.

" It's done by Ryan Adler. Also known as Viper in the Mafia world."

My brain literally froze after hearing what father said.

"Why?" I whispered.

He smiled at me again. His grey eyes assessing me.

"I have learned that something's are better kept secret. Take rest son. Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning."

With these last words my father walked away.

With these last words my father walked away

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