|Vienna Ball|

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After the dance he pulled me or rather I should say dragged me outside, to have a talk in his words put some sense into my head.

I have had enough of him, but something in me told me to give him another chance, because he looked so grief - stricken or his words pulled a string in my heart.

"What do you want to talk about?". I said lifting my eyes to meet his stormy grey ones, feeling hypnotised.

"I wanted to tell you how sorry I am but my feelings were true and they still are".

"So you told your father to arrange our marriage." I was fuming with anger now.

" No , let me explain. I didn't have a hand or say in this marriage. Our parents decided our fate ."

Well, he looked believable but knowing his kind , they all lied for different reasons. Maybe he wanted to fool me. Thank God ! I was way past that stage. Already informed about these type of traits.

"Fate." I exclaimed in disbelief as if I swallowed poison." You call it fate when you are partialy responsible. At least own up to your mistakes. Be a man."

He was looking at me lost for words. His hands outstretched to grab mine if needed for persuasion.

"Melissa you are taking things the hard way without listening to my side of the story. You assume things which are not. "

He riled me up , when he said that I assume things.

" How could you leave me after everything that summer?"

" I had to. I just don't know how to convince you that, I had work piled up on my desk. Someone had to replace Dad "

" I was just some girl you met one summer and you thought you could play with her feelings. I was a fool. I let you trample my heart. Now that your here begging me to take you back I am considering it. You don't know how every summer I visited there just waiting for you. Leave me alone"

" Your words, no the tormented look on your face breaks my heart. You don't know how I lived hell all these years. Not knowing what you are doing. I have been miserable without you. Please give me another chance to prove myself to you. "

" I have cried endless nights and now we are getting married. My happiest day has turned into my worst nightmare. "

" I can make it all come true. "

" Some guy you are trying to break the broken pieces of my heart. You think you can make me fall in love again with you"

He just stared at me, took a deep breath and inched closer to me but I stood firm. To make me realize my mistake, he kept giving me assurance
of his love, faith and loyalty.
I know he is lying and kept quite.

"I have heard what you said. There will be a marriage because I don't want to disappoint my family . But no love and bye"

I took hold of my skirts and ran for the exit, unable to control the tears...

I took hold of my skirts and ran for the exit, unable to control the tears

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