Getting into Trouble

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Chapter thirty-five

Kristen's POV

Today I'm going to my moms house. She has to pick me up so I'm waiting for her. I take out my camera and walk around the house. "I'm going to my moms house today and look! I'm not in my car for once. You want to know why I wasn't vlogging for a month?" I go to the computer where they sent us a picture of my crushed hummer. I turn the camera around and show them, "that's why... I got in a really bad car wreck... It was actually a miracle that I woke up." I turn off the computer and go to the kitchen. "Hi dad!" I say turning the camera towards him. I walk outside on the patio, "I know, you just saw Charles Trippy, you thought he was done with the internet. If you don't want to see him or my mom or Allie then unsubscribe. Yes I said Allie... There is a new Allie, no more Alli Speed and Charles Trippy... Now it's Allie Wesenburg and Charles Trippy... They even had a kid together... Alli also had a kid with Charles... The same time the other Allie was pregnant. Alli has a new partner. His name is Nathan, you won't see him though. My dad doesn't want me vlogging around him. Please don't hate on my family, yes we are a screwed up family. I get that, but we still have feelings." I turn off the camera and walk back inside. I sit down at the table and eat. After that I take my camera out to find Allie, "Allie? Do you mind being introduced to the people on my channel?" She shrugs, "I don't care." "Ok." I turn on my camera and face it towards me, "ok guys, I have someone very special I want you to meet." I turn the camera towards Allie, "this is Allie. She has been with my dad for almost two years, right?" She nods, "yep." I smile and hug her, "guys she is really sweet. I love her lots." I turn off the camera and she kisses my head, "I hear a car horn, you better get going." I nod and grab my electronic bag. I give Charles a hug and grab my phone. I go out and see Nathan. I glare at him and get in the back seat of his car. "You can get in the front." I shake my head, "I'm fine." He shrugs and pulls out of the driveway. I'm silent the whole way to moms house. When we get in the driveway I get out and Nathan grabs my arm, "don't make me or your mom pissed, got it." I look at him and nod, "I'll try." He let's go and shoves me up the steps. I fall at the top one but get back up. I go inside and I go to find my mom. I find her and hug her. "What's wrong with you?" I'm about to tell her but Nathan is there, "Nathan shoved me up the steps." She looks at Nathan and still hugs me, "did you do that Nathan?" He looks all innocent and shakes his head, "I would never do that to her." He holds up his hands and I glare at him, "liar! You just want to get me in trouble!" He crosses his arms, "I would never do that! You don't like me so you blame things on me!" I look up at my mom. She looks at me, "go to your room." She says sternly. "What?! You believe him and not your daughter?!" She points to the stairs, "now!" I cross my arms and pout, "Kristen. Listen to your mom and go upstairs." I glare at him and go upstairs. I slam my door shut and take out my camera, "this is the reason why I hate Nathan. He just got me in trouble with my mom. Of course she believed him and not me. I don't know what she sees in him." I realize I'm talking to loud so I open my window and go on our roof. I like going up here when I get in trouble. It helps me clear my mind. I pull my knees to my chest and hold the camera, "now I can talk. I'm up on our roof. This is where I think I should vlog from now on, or at least when I'm at my moms house. I should have you guys meet Nathan. You won't like him though." I hear my mom yell my name so I get off the roof quickly and turn off my camera. I get in my room and mom is standing there with her arms crossed, "stop going on the roof! You just got out of the hospital and I don't want you to go back!" I sit on my bed and sigh, "sorry." She comes and sits next to me, "did you say that stuff downstairs just to make Nathan get in trouble?" I shake my head, "no I didn't! Why do you always listen to him anyways?!" She doesn't answer but just sighs. I get up and try to leave my room but Nathan is standing there. "Can I just have some peace and quiet?! This is why I like dad's house better!! Him and Allie are nice to me!!" I shove Nathan out of the way and leave. He grabs arm and holds me from going downstairs, "Nathan! Let go of her!" My mom says and he listens. I stumble forward then go downstairs. I hear feet stomping down the stairs behind me. I turn around and see my mom. She gets downstairs and hugs me, "I'm sorry. I love you." I push myself away, "stop!" I make sure I have my phone and camera and I leave, "where are you going?!" "The park." She let's me go and I text Gavin.

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