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Danny's POV
Two months and I still haven't cracked...yet but really weak. I was just interrogated and I gotta say it's the only place where I don't get physical pain."Now tell is how are you half ghost?! We know you aren't born like that!" K shouted."Like I said. The accident I had with the Fenton Ghost Portal made me like this!! Now stop asking about my death!!" I shouted."We aren't getting anywhere with this." O said and I rolled my eyes at their stupidity."How dense can you be?!" I shouted."Lock him up." O said and the agents carried me out again to my sell."This is fucked up." I whispered.

Maddie's POV
Our powers are quite impressive but I have a bad feeling."Jack, I hope Danny is okay." I said."I hope so too. Danny-Boy is strong but he's still human." He answered."Don't worry. Everything is as it should be." Clockwork said."Is Danny okay?" I asked tears in my eyes."Well, he is, uh..."

"He, uh, is in pain, but that is all I can tell you or it will mess everything up." He said and I nodded in understanding. My ghost form was wearing a all black jumpsuit and I had bloody red hair. Jack's hair was actual fire since he has a fire core. His jumpsuit was like mine except it was like his orange one just had fire at his boots and gloves. Both our eyes were red. Jazz's hair was white like Danny's and had a white headband. She had a jumpsuit dress where her gloves was attached to the dress and was completed black. Her eyes was a dark shade of green. Clockwork gave Sam and Tucker powers aswell. Sam had plant powers, grassy dress, gloves and boots. Her hair was white and her whole eye was green.

Tucker had technology powers, he had a white jumpsuit that had black pixels on it slowly inverting to white. His gloves was a dark electric blue and his hair was white with red eyes.

K.C.'s POV
I finally got in the hang of the computer business and now for hand to hand combat. I was sweating like mad while questions was swirling around in me. Who's is kidnapped from the autopsy room and who is their son?"Hi, Agent Johnson. Can we maybe get some details of the mission?" I asked while lifting up a weight."Well I suppose I can tell you. The family was murdered in their kitchen and according to some of the son's best friends said that he didn't go to school that morning. The Fentons-"

"The Fentons? That's the name of the family that one of my cousins talked about." I cut him off."What? Who?" Johnson asked."Tucker Folley." I said."Oh the Folley's. Well seems like you know the rest then, right?" He asked."Only that their son's name is Danny Fenton and that he was kidnapped, that's all." I said."Well. They might have him. K.C. This mission, you can't fail in it." Johnson said. It's already been two months of training. Just two more weeks."Okay, here I come Other side! I'm going to kick your evil, sorry little butt!!" I shouted as I went training on the punching bag.

Dash's POV
Fenturd's friends are a literal mess."Did you guys notice that Phantom hasn't shown up aswell?" Paulina asked."Yeah. Maybe he and Fenturd fan off." Kwam said jokingly."Yeah, or Phantom is the one who kidnapped Fenturd." I said."Hahahahaahhahaaha!!!" We all laughed."Don't make jokes of my Inviso-bill." Paulina said."Uh, I think he hates that name." Kwan said."Yeah, I would to." I said and I saw Manson and Folley sneaking out of the cafeteria."Hey,lets go spy on the now Mystery Duo." I said and everyone followed me."Sam, what else can we do for Danny?" Folley asked."I don't know. Hopefully he can get out of that hell hole." Manson said."Oh hi Dash." Folley said and I was frozen."How'd you know I was here, geek?" I asked."I could hear your breathing." He said."Urgh, fine whatever. Your my replacement to be wailed on since Fentonia isn't here." I said as I stuffed him in the locker.

Sam's POV
Dash is a big jerk!!"I hope he didn't hear to much." Tucker said as I knocked on the locker to say the coast is clear like we used to do with...Danny. Tucker phased through the locker and stretched."Won't lie. That hurts." He said and the bell rang and we went to class.

School was over and we immediately dashed out of the school grounds and to Fenton Works. The place was deserted and it was creepy. We snuck in through the back door and went downstairs to the Fenton Portal where Tucker and I transformed and went inside to meet up with Clockwork for our training.

Earny's POV
Training for the day was over and we were paced."Man I'm tired." K.C. said."You can say that again." I said as I fell into the couch face first."Hey Earny! Come here!" Dad yells. I groaned."Oh come on son!" Dad said as he picked me up but I just layed limply in his hand."Dad...I'm to tired." I said and he let me go."Oh fine you lazy boy." He said."K.C?" Dad said."Dad." K.C. said in a warning tone."Man, what's up with kids today?"He said."Greg, honey give them a break. They've been working hard today." Mom said."Thank you." I said and fell deeper into the couch further...if that is possible."So how's training?" Mom asked."Tiresome." We both said."Oh, okay. Then you should eat up and get ready for bed." Mom said kissing us on our foreheads.

"This is going to be a long two weeks."

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