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Today K.C., Earny and Judy went for their training at the Organization."Can someone please explain why I have to go!" Judy whined."Because for this Mission you need to be there as well to assist K.C. and Earny." Greg said."Yeah but I'm a robot." She said."That doesn't matter, The Organization also wants to give you some upgrades so you can be ready for this mission." Kira said and Judy stood quiet as they entered the large modern building.

"Cooper Family are here sir." Beverly said through the answering machine for Agent Johnson."Bring them in." Johnson said and the Cooper family walked in."Ah, K.C. Earny and Judy, this mission isn't like the other missions we sent you on before. These agents won't stop at nothing to make sure you are dead if caught." Johnson said cutting to the chase."How long will this training be?" Greg asked."About three months including with Judy's new upgrades. Unnecessary upgrades aswell."  He muttered the last part."Ok where do we start?" Earny asked."First were going to teach Earny some hand to hand combat and K.C. some computer knowledge." Johnson said."Then we can strengthen your skills that you already have like K.C.'s fighting and Earny's computer knowledge." Johnson said."Okay and Judy, just go to the robot upgrade station and there you'll get your new upgrades including eating." The assistant said and Judy ran there."Wow, she can change quickly." Greg said.

"Okay see you guys later."

Danny's POV
The torture never stopped!!"GAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" I shouted as I was whipped with the chain whip while hanging upside down."Stop shouting you freak!!" K shouted as he slashed me over my eye. It hurts like shit."Please stop!!" I shouted as I couldn't hold on my ghost form anymore. I was forced to transform back and it made them more angrier."Change back!!" O ordered."I...I can't...I'm to weak." I said. The hanging upside down didn't bother me at all just the pain."Take him to the lab, I want to see something." J said. They let go of me making me fall on my back. I groaned in pain. J took me to the lab pulling on my hair. She placed me on the table and I was breathing heavily. I looked around trying to find something to try and escape and go to Clockwork. He and Sam and Tucker is all I have left now.

She open my Y mark again and I screamed again."Let's see what happened to your core." She said and I cried in pain."Aww, he is a big fat baby." J said as she punched me on the spot where K slashed me with the chain whip."Please...I'm begging you...stop." I gasped out, my throat also in pain from the screaming."No." She said and continued to open my chest and she started to inspect my heart slash core."Interesting." She said and I looked at her. Hey I am self curious about this."What?" I growled."Your core and heart is fused into one. When your core is to weak it is forced to change to it's human side. In other words it can 'shapeshift' basically from its human heart to its ghostly core." She said. That is interesting but how?"Oh, don't worry, you'll be here for a long time." She said as she started to stitch me up and now going to my legs and arms.

Jazz's POV
Clockwork taught us a lot of interesting stuff of our abilities. Mom and I have an ice core while dad has a Fire core."So Clockwork, why can't we save Danny ourselves?" Mom asked."Since he thinks you all are dead, you can't just storm in and the GIW will experiment on you too. If your experimented on Daniel would probably turn evil and never will be safed, you get what I am saying?" He asked."Yeah, sorta." Dad said."What is the other news you talked?" Sam asked and I remembered him saying he has other news but Sam passed out."Oh, yeah. How can I say this? Since Daniel has defeated Pariah Dark and is almost sixteen he is the one to take the throne as Crowned Prince of The Ghost Zone." He said and this time mom and I passed out.

Normal POV
K.C. just arrived at her home and went to her room and was really tired after today's training. She might not be a technical wiz like Earny or her cousin, Tucker."Tucker! That's it!!" She said and got her phone in her hand."Tucker. Tucker. Tucker. Aha! Tucker!" She said when she found his number. She called him.

T: Hello?
K:Hey, Tucker it's me K.C. I need your help with something important.
T:Is it spy stuff?
K:Yes, I have a mission to infiltrate the enemy and I need to know some computer knowledge and your way better than Earny.
T: I would love to help but my best friend is kidnapped and I don't have time, I need to find him.
K:Kidnapped? Who's his parents?
T:Jack and Maddie Fenton and his sister Jazz Fenton. Why?
K:Was just curious, I hope you find him.
T:Thanks, Sorry for not helping. I would really love to help you.
K:It's okay, I understand, say hi to your parents.

K.C. ended the call and was suspicious. Her cousin's best friend goes missing while a entire family is torn apart by murder. What did really happen? Why did they kidnap the son and where's Tucker's best friend? K.C. Kept asking herself.

Tucker's POV
K.C. called me and asked about teaching her Computer knowledge but didn't have the time."Hey mom! Dad! K.C. just called and says hi!" I said from my room."Okay sweetie!!" Mom shouted back. They are also spies but I declined when I they asked to join since I am already helping Danny with ghost hunting and stuff. I got ready for school and went outside where Sam was waiting with Jazz in her new disguise."So, how are we going to find a way to help Danny?" I asked."It turns out Danny is going to be saved by some other organization but I don't know anything else further." She answered.

"I just hope they can manage to safe him or else the town would be flooded with ghost."

K.C. UNDERCOVER & DANNY PHANTOM IN SAVED Where stories live. Discover now