The Little White Tiger

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The apple exploded and purple juices spattered everywhere. Some landed on my face and I licked it off. Yum. Twilight took a napkin and wiped the juices off herself.

I looked where the apple was and gawked. There, clinging to a branch, was a baby white tiger with tiny white wings. I flew it up and picked it off. It was a girl and it yawned happily and looked at my face. She giggled and reached her paws to my whiskers. I cradled her amd flew back to the ground.

She giggled and I smiled. I looked at Twilight with a can-I-keep-it-face, she walked to the baby and levitated her in the air. The baby laughed as she floated above ground. I looked at Twilight with the same face the baby had, she rolled her eyes and gave her to me.

"What's her name?" Twilight asked. I haven't thought about that. What are good names for a girl?

I replied. "I don't know. Maybe we can call the girls and have a baby naming contest."

Twilight smiled and called Spike. Spike zipped at her side with a paper and quill. Twilight told him what to write and he blew the letters to the girls. We went back inside and went to my room. Applejack was awake and was surprized by the baby.

She said. "Tell me which guy and I'll buck him tah death."

I explained everything and Applejack understood. She even started to make a few names.

"How about Tiger Lily? No, Apple White! Wait, that doesn't make sense..." She said quickly.

She kept thinking and we did too. It was a while until the rest of the girls turned up too, they gathered around and cooed the baby. Most made nice names but they didn't sound good enough.

Rarity suggested. "Maybe Diamond Sky!"

"No, Frost Streamer!" Pinkie squealed.

"What about Sky White?" Rainbow pushed.

Fluttershy whispered. "Angel cake?"

"How about Cloud Smart?" Twilight said.

There are so many choices, they kept on pushing me and it made me a bit frustrated. Which one? That one? The baby kept crying after so much noise because of arguments about her name.

They didn't hear her and kept arguing. I picked her up and rocked her. She stopped crying and giggled as I rocked. No name can describe what joy she is. Wait, that's it!

"Why don't we name her Joy?" I said aloud. The girls stopped and thought. They nodded and agreed.

"Why not add another word to her name. To you know...make it special." Fluttershy said quietly. We had another brainstorm and suggested names.

"Snow Joy?"

"Jewel Joy?"

"Bach Choy?"

We looked at Pinkie. Her sweat dropped and we went back to thinking.

"Joy Ride?"

"Joy Words?"

"Joy Wings?"

Hey, that's a good name! Just right for her.

I said. "Who said that name?"

Twilight replied. "Which name?"

"Joy Wings." I said.

Nopony raised a hoof, I looked around the room. No one spoke up, we looker around confused and bewildered. Who said that? A golden mist was hovering over a chair, I recognized her right away.

"Waika?" I said. She looked at me suprized but walked up.

She said confused. "How do you know my name?"

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