The Apple

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After that day, I have gotten used to my new form. The sword in my tail scares off any robbers in Ponyville, I already have instincts on what to do with my sword. I practiced it everyday without a teacher.

I noticed whenever I get angry my eyes glow white for a second but disappear. When ponies would bother or annoy me, my eyes glow. That scares them off and leave me be.

I also noticed that whenever I flew fast, that I should do something but I could never express it. Weird how all these things are happening so fast.

One day I was walking to Sweet Apple Acres to get some red delicious apples. (My favorite fruit.) I was in my cheetah form and I looked hungry since I was searching for apples. Ponies avoided me thinking I was going to eat them, as everypony knows, ponies are vegetarians. I am a pony, well, not now.

Wave a daisy sandwhich near my face and I'll gladly gobble it down. Anyway, I finally arrived to the mane gate to the farm, Applejack waved and trotted up to me.

"Anything y'all need?" She asked.

"Yeah, I feel like bucking some red delicious." I answered, my stomach growled and Applejack laughed.

She said still laughing. "Maybe I'll help you buck so you can fill your belly."

So we walked up to the red delicious trees and Applejack got some baskets. I went to my favorite tree, the tree had the best and ripest apples in the orchard. I got ready to buck, when Applejack me in mid-kick.

"Are you sure you want to in your cheetah form?" She said.

"Why not? Maybe I'll buck more than before." I replied.

She looked skeptic but let me buck. I got into position and kicked as hard as I can. The tree shook and red delicious apples came raining down.

"See, nothing bad happened." I said smiling.

Applejack looked at the baskets and finally agreed. We each took an apple and took a bite.

She said. "Mmmmm, nothing like a good apple."

I levitated it closer to my face. (My magic still works without a horn and there's no glow.) Something was wrong with the fruit, it looked too perfect. I also saw something green and gooey on the peel, I knew immediately what it was. I spit out my bite of the apple.

"Applejack, it's poisoned!!" I yelled.

Too late, she swallowed. She looked at me then looked back at the apple, she shook and dropped it.

"What's going to happen to me?" She said her voice cracked.

I inspected the apple and took it gently between my teeth so it wouldn't get in my mouth. I motioned her to get on my back, she looked at me like I was crazy but she got on. She already looked pale and shook vigorously. I took off into the air and went looking for the Ponyville hospital, I also searched for Twilight. Applejack held on tight and she almost choked me. I comforted her and she loosened a little bit. I saw Rainbow zoom by and I got her attention, she looked at me and Applejack.

She asked. "What's going on?"

I did Charades and acted out everything that happened. It was hard to talk since I had the apple in my mouth, she was good at Charades and understood everything.

"So you were eating apples with Applejack, she got poisoned by it, you're looking for the hospital and you need Twilight?" She answered.

I nodded and she went off to find Twilight. She also told me where the hospital was before she left, Applejack was turning unconscious and she was slipping.

"Hood un Apel gyack." I said muffled.

She nodded and held tighter, I could see the roof of the hospital and flew faster.

I said. "Vere ulmozt dere."

I was a quarter of a mile away when I got blocked by thick clouds. I tried to punch it but it was thick as a brick, I got frustrated and angry. Applejack's sick and I was stopped by a stupid cloud.

I felt my eyes glow bright and a rage went through me. I dived at the cloud and I burst right through it to the other side. My eyes were still glowing but I had to get her to the hospital, I landed on the food and a doctor came out with nurses trailing behind her. My eyes stopped glowing and I dropped to the ground exhausted, I dropped the apple in front of the doctor..

"" I breathed heavily. I got some of the goo in my mouth and I swallowed it accidentally during the flight. The nurses got her on a stretcher and I blacked out.


"Ugh, what happened?" I stood up, I looked around to find I'm back in the Wasez's cave. I was still in my cheetah form. I heard a voice call.

"Hello, Starshine, we meet again." The familiar golden mist came from the ceiling, she landed next to me.

I asked to the mist. "What happened at the hospital? I remember my eyes glowing white and I punched through a really thick cloud then I just blanked out."

She looked blankly at me for a second. She walked around me and paused after looking.

"You have my body but you still have your sky blue eyes." She said finally.

I cocked my head and looked at the glass case that contains the weird weasel. I looked at my reflection closely, she was right. Her eyes were golden but mine were still blue, I shook my head and I looked back at her.

"That doesn't explain what happened at the hospital." I said to her.

She looked reluctantly at me and spoke some curse in her language under her breath.

"What happened in your world is what we call Glowing Rage. Whenever we get angry, our eyes glow white and we go to a blind rage. Most of us can control it but I never had. My body still can't control it, even in you." She said sadly. I looked at her sympathetically and walked next to her.

"Maybe I can control it, then maybe you can too." I said, she smiled and looked at me straight.

"I hope so too." She replied.


I woke up on a bed with everyone there. It was night and everypony was sleeping in their chairs. I noticed Applejack was in a bed sleeping next to me too.

I slowly got up and tiptoed away into the hall. It seemed empty, I smiled and walked outside. There was a full moon tonight, I flew to a cloud and contently laid down. I watched the moon and I saw a shooting star. I sat up and made a wish.

"I wish for peace and love after the coming battle." I whispered, it twinkled then went away to another place. I smiled, I hope it will come back.


Editor's notes: *gets reminded of JaidenAnimation's videos about her talking about apples* Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought of this.

I also added in "and leave me be" since "That scared them off" felt incomplete, unless you meant it that way. Whoops.

OBJECTION! Hey, you do know that horses can also eat meat when they like it? [Oo, think of the possibilities!! :D]

I noticed that the cheetah looked sad when she mentioned the Glowing Rage. She even cursed before explaining it! I guess it's taboo for the Wasez if you can't control it? Oo, cultural stuff!! Me likey~

Wait, does that mean Starshine Moon gets stomach ulcer? She hasn't eaten and she's exerted so much energy... She has to eat!!

Again, I changed how things were said when muffled. The originals are down below.

"Holn on Apel Cack."

"We're alnost dere."


I can't think of anything!! Derp.

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