A Guardian's Death

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A Guardian’s Death


“Hello darling…” Aeria smiled as she raised her hand and caressed something that no one else saw.

“Who is she talking to?” Juliet asked Angelique as they dined under the stars.

The whole group was divided and assigned to 3 separate round tables. The 4 Ancients were in the biggest table and to their right was the table that consisted of the 5 Sirens with the rest of the boys. The last table was filled with Elice, Angelique, Juliet, and Leslie. The Sirens still didn’t know that Cliff had no intentions of getting in their pants so they still tried to get into his.

“I think Zenna’s back.” Angelique whispered.

“You think it’s Zenna?” Juliet asked as she sipped on her iced tea.

“Who’s Zenna?” Leslie asked as she gracefully sliced a piece of her steak.

“I think she’s Aeria’s… Kaijinn.” Juliet said as she impaled her fork in the middle of her lasagna.

“Are you sure that Solypha’s okay up there?” Angelique asked as she looked up at the large white bird-like Kaijinn that was peacefully perched up on Cedrun’s main mast.

“I think that she just wants some distance from Umulus… they never got along and they never will….or so what she said.” Elice said as she placed mustard over her Caesar salad.

“Why are you placing mustard over your salad?” Leslie asked as she looked at Elice’s plate as if cockroaches were crawling all over it.

“My plate, my flavor.” Elice snapped as she rolled her eyes when Leslie looked away. The Hope Guardian sympathized with the Frost and shared the same hateful feelings toward the human.

“Oh… I wish I get to meet Joshua’s Kaijinn soon.” Juliet whispered as she sliced a small portion of her lasagna and stuffed her mouth with it.

“Don’t count on it.” Aeria said as she walked pass their table with her right arm still stretched up in the air as it caressed Zenna, who was still invisible to everyone else. “A Guardian’s Kaijinn’s first appearance happens only when it is absolutely necessary… no 1st generation Guardian met their Kaijinn. Hell, I met Zenna in my 7th Resurrection.”

“Are you still evading him, ma’am?” Angelique asked as she stood up from her seat and left her clean plate.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” Aeria smiled as she floated higher and perched herself on the perfect space on the dip of Zenna’s long neck.

“You are still an Ancient, ma’am.” Angelique said as she ran her hands through the hair around Umulus’ neck.

“Just call me by my name.” Aeria giggled as she rested her whole body against Zenna. “I’ve never seen Umulus that big.”

“Hmm?” Angelique asked as she felt Umulus purr under her hand.

“You really are the Dreaded one.” Aeria said right before she jumped off Zenna’s neck and lightly landed back onto Cedrun. “Go back and keep watch.”

“Where is she going?” Angelique asked as Aeria stood on the railing with her arms stretched outwards as if she was some sort of tightrope walker.

“Valentine wanted to watch over this group of humans.” Aeria explained.

“What’s so special about them?”

“I have no idea.”

“What if that group goes underground or… underwater or something?” Angelique wondered as she allowed Umulus to walk away and roam around Cedrun freely.

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