Up Above

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Up Above


Elice didn’t think twice and took all of the guns that were aimed at them with her mind and made them all float above the 3 of them. She felt that all of the weapons were locked and loaded and that all they need was a good pull on their triggers so she aimed all of them from their previous owners.

Elice studied every face in that group with her cautious eyes. She stopped when her eyes landed on a familiar face, a muscular perfectly structured face that always made her knees tremble. Kyle Hillter’s light brown hair flowed freely as the cold night air passed through it.

“Elice?” He asked as he warily took a step forward with his palms raised forward. “Is that you?”

Elice didn’t have the chance to answer because Vic stepped in front of her and gasped, “Leslie?”

“Oh my gawd, Vicky!” The blonde girl ran up to the Lightning Guardian and almost toppled him over when she launched herself on him with a full on hug.

Elice and Cliff exchanged looks and stifled smiles when their mind processed the nickname the girl just called the Lightning Guardian. Vic hugged her back as he melted into her, all his fears and doubts slowly hiding for a second as he basked in the warmth of his girlfriend’s arms.

Cliff felt a sharp pang of jealousy as he watched everyone looked at them in admiration. He ignored them and focused on everything else but the 2 of them. Vic noticed it Cliff’s uneasiness but tried to ignore the pain he felt when he saw the look on Cliff’s face.

“Who are you?” One of the guys asked as he tried jumping and snatching his gun from the air.

Elice returned their guns back to their owners as the 3 of them got bombarded with questions.

“Who are you?”

“Are you Infected?”

“How did you fall from the sky?”

“What are you then?”

Answering the generic questions were a piece of cake but the last 2 that got thrown at their faces were tricky.

“I am telekinetic or psychokinetic but telekinesis is the more popular term.” Elice said as she glanced at each of their faces.

They had gathered in front of a fire that burned from what looked like remains of chairs. The whole group discussed that it was better to actually know what the 3 strangers are first before they start shooting. Elice managed to make everyone believe that she was always telekinetic but the stress of the Infection intensified her powers. They also lied about Vic and Cliff and claimed that the 2 are perfectly normal and since they’ve stuck with Elice the whole time proves that she isn’t dangerous or anything.

“These are dark times…” Someone murmured from the group.

“We’ll survive this.” Leslie confidently said as she snuggled closer to Vic, who was sitting behind her with his feet spread wide open to make a place for her to sit. “We always do.”

Terravive: Guardians [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now