Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

When I woke up I wasn’t in a room I knew. “What?” I touched my head. The pain wasn’t as serious but it wasn’t all gone either. Werewolves healed fast just not fast enough it seemed.

“I couldn’t take you back to the house looking the way you did. I called home and told my parents we were working on a project. My mom was just excited we were together and didn’t question it.” Austin said, seated next to me on the bed. “Tell me about Logan.”

I groaned, closing my eyes. I didn’t want to remember him. “He wants to take your place as future alpha because he feels you robbed him of the position. He thinks if he forms a pack with me the council will give him what he wants.”

“And if he had you first you’d look tainted by the council.” Unfair but true. “I saw what he was doing to you Sydney.”

I didn’t want to remember. “It doesn’t matter nothing happened.”

“Something did happen before tonight, what?” his voice was controlled with an even flatness that was almost eerie.

“He’s been trying for the last year to get me to see things his way. He thought I hated you enough to join his side.” I answered the questions because there was no point in trying to hide the truths now, he had seen enough.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he was getting angry and that control crumbled away quicker than I could inhale a cookie.

“Because you would’ve gone to him and started a big fight you didn’t need.” I said softly, my body was on fire with pain and I just wanted to sleep and wake up when it was over.

“You were protecting me?” There was no mistaking that small bit of information shocked him.

Talk about awkward. “It doesn’t matter it’s over.”

“That’s what you think.” That made me reopen my eyes. “Logan is going to heal and come up with something else to get his way and he’s not going to let tonight be forgotten. He’s going to want revenge.”

I sank into the bed, feeling defeated and worthless. I had tried so hard to fix this before it got too out of hand and now I was just in a bigger shit storm. “Great.” A minute passed before I asked the dreadful question. “Now what?”

Austin sighed and turned his eyes away from me. “You scared me tonight.” That wasn’t easy for him to admit. “If I hadn’t thought to follow you he would’ve---”

“Don’t.” I didn’t want to think about it, I didn’t want to remember the realest fear I had ever felt.

Austin looked at me, his hazel eyes painfully serious and worried. “He’ll try again and we have to give him a reason not to.”

My heart stopped. I had to be hearing things from the affects of the attack. “What?” I chocked on the word.

He grabbed my hand, his touch was soft but his eyes were dark with something I didn’t recognize. I didn’t move as he kissed my cheek and moved down my neck. I felt myself starting to lose control and my wolf trying to get what she wanted; her mate. This was crazy, the logical and human side of my brain screamed.

“Say yes.” He whispered against my shoulder, he sounded so sweet and caring, it was confusing me.

My body felt tingly, as if numb with anticipation for whatever came next. My stomach clenched with a desire I had never known before and never wanted to let go of. “Yes.” I didn’t remember saying the word but it was my voice I heard. He laid me back on the bed before kissing me on the mouth.

His body was hard and warm on top of me and I wasn’t in pain anymore with his warmth surrounding me.  Only once when we were fifteen did something intimate happen and our parents explained what our mate bond meant for the first time and how quickly our wolves could take control because of the connection and need between the animals. This time was much different because I was willing. Last time we kissed it happened so fast I barely remembered it.

I couldn’t stop the sane side of my brain from making an appearance. I wished I could and live in the moment but this was wrong and in a way Logan would be winning, because of his threats was the only reason Austin was touching me. I pushed him off of me. “I can’t, yeah I can be a hard bitch but I won’t let my first time be because of fear and necessity.” I sat up, my body burned with pain again. I touched my mouth. “I can’t believe you did that.”

Austin wasn’t up for discussing what now made the air very awkward and tense. “We’re going to have to talk to my dad and until Logan is caught I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

I wanted to fight and say I was a big girl that could defend myself but he saw first hand that wasn’t true. “Fine.” I laid back on the motel bed, it hurt less than sitting.

“I have another idea.”

“As long as it doesn’t involve you sticking your tongue in my mouth, what?” I had to joke about it because if I actually thought about what happened and what could’ve happened I suddenly felt hot all over.

“You could marry me ahead of schedule.”

I gave him a hard look. “Give it up; I’m not giving our bond more power. It’s starting to sound like you’re scared of Logan.”

That made him angry. “I’m trying to come up with some sort of plan, unlike you. Do you want him to get ahold of you?”

“Get ahold of? Is that some new fancy term for rape? No I fucking don’t, but I don’t want you either. Look you’ve treated me like crap and sometimes less than crap for years and now you want to be my hero? Sorry if I’m not jumping for the chance.” I got off the bed, not caring how much it hurt; I had to get out of there.

“Stop being so hardheaded.” He grabbed my forearms to steady me as we stood at the door.

“I want to go home.” I said through clenched teeth.

“Fine, let’s go.” he opened the door and said nothing more.

I wanted to go to my house, my bedroom and sleep it off but life didn’t work that way. Austin took me to his home to face his father; our alpha. One look at my face and the questions started. Katherine Carter sent everyone upstairs to their room then summoned us to the kitchen.

“I’m calling your parents.” She excused herself back to the living room.

Mr. Carter looked at us with a stern expression. “Tell me what happened.”

Austin took the lead. “Logan is trying to use Sydney to rival the position of next alpha.”

Mr. Carter’s features tightened even more. “Why haven’t I been told before now?”

He could be the epitome of intimidating, I sank in my chair. “I thought I could handle it, I thought he’d go away.”

Katherine stepped back into the room. “You were trying to protect Austin?” she of course focused a tad more on that fact. I shrugged, I couldn’t deny it because after you peel all the layers away the fact remained true, I didn’t want Austin involved because I didn’t want him hurt. “Let’s get you to bed. After you’re rested we can all talk more.” She helped me up.

I didn’t go back to the room I was sharing with Andrea, Mrs. Carter took me to the attic designed as a bedroom used for seclusion, wounded animals if you will. I laid on the comfy big bed and tried to catch my breath.  I caught her looking at my bruising. “We fought, nothing more.”

“Good.” Katherine said with a curt nod. “You need to get cleaned up first.” I frowned, cleaning up involved a lot of work.

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