14. How to Ice Skate

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15 1/3 years ago


Zoe was sat in her favorite comfy chair, her hair in a lose braid, a mug of coffee on the armrest and her brow furrowed as she furiously typed on her computer. She loved to write short stories, but refused to ever let me read them.

My shift was going to end in about ten minutes and this had become a routine--Zoe would drop me off at the Starbucks, go about her business, and return when there was about 45 minutes of my shift left.

She would come up to the counter, I would make sure I was there when she placed her drink order and she would flirt with me as she ordered her drink of the day. Usually she selected something from the menu she hadn't tried before, but sometimes she ordered one of her two favorites (a double tall soy latte with two pumps of the original syrup, or a grande cream-based frappucino with two pumps of hazelnut, two pumps mocha, one pump caramel, one shot of expresso, whipped cream and caramel and mocha drizzle on top--on the days she ordered the second, she was always extremely jittery). She may have been a hard costumer but the kiss at the end always made it worth it.

After serving two more costumers, my shift was over.

"Ready to go?" I asked her.

"One second," she said, typing more quickly. She hit a period with satisfaction and then shut her computer, putting it under her arm as she stood up and gave me a quick peck. "Let's go."

I quickly ran out of the Starbucks, yelling "I call driving!" as I did.

"Why're you so rushed?" I heard Zoe yell, then I heard her quickening footsteps.

I didn't bother to answer this, instead I sat down in the driver's seat and impatiently waited for her to get into the car as well.

"Give me the keys," I said as soon as she sat in the passenger seat.

Looking confused, Zoe handed me her keys, muttering under her breath, "Someone's bossy today ... "

I started the car, hit the gas and we were on our way.

"Where are we going?" Zoe demanded.

I just smiled.

"Alfiiiie," she whined, hitting me on the arm. "Where're we going?"

"It's a surprise," I said, smiling a bit.

She was silenced, but I could practically hear her imagination whirring as she thought of all the places we could be on our way to--she loved surprises.


I pulled to a stop in front of a skating rink.

"We're going iceskating?" Zoe asked.

I nodded.

"I've never gone," Zoe said, and I was surprised that she sounded nervous.

"It's loads of fun," I assured her as we began to walk to the rink.

"Alfie," Zoe said and I heard a bit of panic in her voice. "Alfie, I can't do this."

I turned to her in surprise. "Why on earth not?" I demanded.

"'Cause I'm gonna make a fool of myself," Zoe muttered, looking at the ground.

I hugged her to my side. "Like I wasn't a total idiot when you were teaching me how to freaking run," I told her, laughing.

She grinned at the memory and then sighed. "I guess this is your revenge then?"

"Maybe," I replied, offering her a devilish smile, though it really wasn't.

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