Perfect - Boyf Riends

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Boyf Riends: Jeremy's POV
It was a sunny, summer morning, the bright June sunlight streaming through my window as I woke up in aN F-ING PANIC BECAUSE I HAD THE CRAZIEST DREAM AND WAS JUST ABOUT TO F-ING DIE WHEN I TURNED TO SEe Micheal sleeping peacefully next to me.
Everything's okay, no more squip, no more worries. I sighed, rubbing my eyes and stretching out, my joints popping and cracking into place. I rolled out of bed, careful not to wake Micheal. I tucked the blankets back over him and smiled. I hated having nightmares about the squip trying to kill me, but it was all okay if my adorable boyfriend was there to calm me. I stared at his peaceful sleeping face. He's so cute right now.
Micheal and I had been dating for over three years now, and had moved in together just a month ago. I worked in musical theatre now, I had actually enjoyed the play and now worked at a local musical theatre company, and I loved it! And best of all, Christine and I worked together. Even though or relationship hadn't worked out, our friendship sure did, we had become super close, and she even got me to audition for the company. She was like a sister to me now, and we hung out together all the time, and Jake even joined us on occasion. He had a secret interest in theatre, too, so he bonded with Christine and I easily. We had a lot of fun together, but the most fun I had was with Micheal.
He had just finished up with technical school, and was now looking for work as a video game creator. He had somehow gotten into one of the tech schools in the nation, and it wasn't even too far from home, only a few hours, so I could still visit him when he was studying. I joined the theatre right after high school, so I was already set. But now, we were both absolutely ready for the future. And I was so excited to see what it would hold.
I know I sound like a hopeless romantic, but Micheal and I were really in love, and both of us really enjoyed our life together. And I was so lucky to have the beautiful joy of waking up next to him every morning. To get to see him with messy hair and an old, worn-out T-shirt of mine, it was absolutely gorgeous. I loved it, I loved him.
After staring at him for a few moments, I grabbed his old red hoodie and left to to the kitchen. I thought I'd make breakfast. Neither of us had anything important to do today, so I had time to cook something crazy. I grabbed an old cookbook from the counter and flipped through the pages. Maybe he'd like pancakes...

Micheal's POV
I woke up to an amazing smell and the sound of sizzling food coming from the kitchen. Hmm, Jeremy must be up early again. Jeremy was always up first, I loved that about him, as well as everything else.
I climbed out of bed and went into the kitchen, running a hand through my hair as I found the source of that amazing smell. There was Jeremy, softly singing as he cooked, wrapped up in my old red hoodie. He sure does love that thing.
"Boy, ya got me helpless, look into your eyes and the skies the limit. Helpless, down for the count and I'm drowning in them." He wasn't that proud of his singing, but I loved it. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck and kissing his shoulder gently.
"Hey Jer-bear," I said sleepily.
A blush flew across his face, but a smile graced its way there, too. "Hey, love." He kissed my forehead softly.
"What's cookin' good lookin'?" I asked.
He snickered. "Don't talk to yourself, Micheal, it's creepy. But chocolate-chip pancakes if you were wondering."
I hummed a laugh and grabbed some dishes from the cupboard, which had been a graduation gift from my parents. I grabbed other random things from the fridge and set the table.
In no time at all, we were sitting at the kitchen table and laughing at everything stupid. We were practically finished, but just kept talking as we took our dishes to the sink.
"You seriously put peanut in her hair for a costume!"
"Yes! I shit you not!"
Once it was all cleaned up, we lay on the couch together, and I was pretending he was a blanket.
"Oh, what a soft, cozy blanket!"
"Micheal, stoooooop!" He laughed as he fake-tried to get out of my grip.
"It talks, too! Whoa! This is such a genius invention! I love it!!"
"I love you, too Mikey."
"'Course you do! I'm awesome!" I pretended to flex as he started laughing.
"Yes, yes you are." God, I love this man. I pulled him into a big bear hug.
"I love you, Jer." He pecked my lips.
"And I love you. Wanna play Apocalypse of the Damned to celebrate our love?"
I laughed. "Of course, we're still on level nine!"
Yes, you heard me correctly. Jeremy and I have stable futures and a healthy relationship, and are still on a level we started in our freshman year of high school. Being a video game designer myself, I blame the crappy coding. Ok, I lied. It's a good game, we're just reeeeeeaaaaaalllly bad at it.
But, in this moment, that didn't matter. All that mattered was that we were safe, together, and happy. Heck, I'd even given up weed. I didn't need it, I had Jeremy to give me a rush of adrenaline or happiness if I was feeling down. And he'd been doing better, too.
After the squipcident, he had a lot of self hate problems, and was super hard on himself for what happened to me. He apologized to me and all the others(we were great friends with Christine, Brooke, Chloe, Rich, Jake, and Jenna, and we called ourselves the Squip Squad) almost every day, and he cried himself to sleep every night for a month. It took him so much convincing to get him to talk to a counselor. But, I succeeded, and everything was okay now. Better than okay, actually. It was perfect.
"Hey Jer?"
"You're completely perfect, and I love you, babe."
"Love you, too, Mikey."

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