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Lexi's POV

I woke up in a empty bed... Last night just racing through my head. He touched me... It was nice I guess.. just never happened to me before. No one ever Sayed they loved me romanticly. I have never been taken to a nice date. And it's pretty cool. The month is now September the 2nd month of school sense school started late. I'm a senior I'm ready for school to be over. Anyway... Why did he leave me?... And how did he get in my room? That sneaky bastard. But I love him... I really do. He went to being a ass to my boyfriend. Funny right! Idk. I look at my night stand to see the time 7:00 am. Better get ready. But a little sticky note was placed there.

Baby, I had to leave early to take care of things, I do want to talk about last night. But I will be at school. I'll just be 10 minutes late, I promise.
Love you


I sigh getting my clothes and throwing the paper away. He's been missing school and I hate it. He need his education.

I sit at the bus stop waiting for the hell on wheels to come. I haven't told Andy about my vision... Nor have I asked him about how to cure his problem of being a demon... There has to be something and I'm willing to find out. I get on the bus as it stops by. I haven't been on here in awhile. Juliet use to ride my bus... I heard she got knocked up. I never get bullied now sense she's gone. But Chris is up my ass calling me names and such. I just want to kill him... Im on the verge of slamming a hammer down his throat. He pissed me off so many times and hurt me.... I hate him...he hasn't really talk to me much sense the hole incident and all.

-time skip to end of day-

Today was long and short... Andy never showed up though and it kind of pissed me off. He hasn't texted, called, or telepathicly talked to me... I'm starting to worry. You know... Having a boyfriend is difficult. They're over protective, they have horrible attitudes, they won't take no for an answer, and they jump to conclusions. I just want a brake... Not from Andy though. He's fun to be a hand full. It's funny to watch him pout. But this doesn't mean I'm not mad at him for not being here today when he promised. I was walking home with Maryanna. "So Lexi...we need to talk when we get home." I look at her. "Okay..." Me and Maryanna makes our way in the house I sit down while Maryanna stands in front of me.

"What's up?" She sighs. "Lexi I understand being a virgin and I told you to loosen up and get out of your comfort zone but masterbation doesn't solve a thing." My eyes widen... She thought I was masterbating... "Mare... I wasn't masterbating." She cracked a smile... "Then what were you doing..." I bite my lip... "More like what Andy was doing." Her eyes widen and she starts jumping. "ANDY WAS HERE LAST NIGHT!!! DID YOU DO THE DIRTY?!??!!" I laugh shaking my head.. "no. Yes he was here and we didn't do it... He just uh....he uh.... Touched...me...." Maryanna hugs me fake crying. "My little Lexi is growing up." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever chick." I stand up. "Hey Lexi look I'll be heading out, me and Remmy are going out on a date, so lock the doors sweetie and no boys!!!" I laugh as she closes the door. She cracks me up. After a second or so someone knocks on the door as I take my shoes off. I go over and open it to see Andy... Ugh..  I'm still mad.

I put my hands on my hips. "Hey baby " I smile letting him in. Fake smile btw. "Where were you? You promised you will be at the school?!" He puts his hands up trying to shush me. "I couldn't make it.." I furrow my eyebrows. "What are you hiding? The other day you left school with Ashley to 'take care of things' and now today? What's going on?" I ask. He's being very suspicious. "Nothing. Just don't worry about it okay. Please trust me." I look at him. He had to be covering up his lying because his lying was damn good. "Okay." I smile. He smiles hugging me and giving me a quick peck. I scoff. "That's wasn't a proper kiss Andy." He looks at me and chuckles. "Oh really?" He leans down kissing me again. This time longer and ending it by pulling my lip between his teeth. "Better?", "Much." I reply.

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