no where to go part 3!!

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Lexis POV

"ANDY!!" I  yell as I see him fall to his knees. He was clutching his head. He was losing control, his anger was getting the best of him. I kneel next to him. "Calm down Andy." , "C-call A-ashley, now!!!" I fumble with my phone trying to get to Ashley's contact. I look up and Andy wasn't Andy anymore.... His eyes was a ink black and his teeth were sharper than before.... Where did my Andy go? "A-andy?" He growled at me. I stand up stumbling on my own feet. I put hands up as he stands with me slowly walking towards me. "A-andy... It's me." He smirks at me. "Run."

"What?" I ask. "I said... RUN!" he roared at me. My eyes widen and I scream. I turn around running out the parking lot. This reminds me when Andy saved me from Chris at Starbucks. Exept I'm saving myself from Andy. I run as fast as I can not looking back. That when I feel something grab me and throw me against the hood of a car. "Aahhhh!!" I let out a peircing scream. I look up Andy's hands was around my throat and there was glass every where.. he had thrown me so hard I broke the wind shield. I look at my self. I had a few cuts but not bad ones. Tears stream down my face. "A-ANDY!!! Please.... It's me..." He wouldn't budge. His grip on my neck tightened I couldn't breath at all. My air way was closing up.

That when Andy was thrown off of me. Jake! I forgot Jake can feel my pain. "God damn Andy! I almost couldn't breath myself!!" Jake was holding Andy down. "Lexi I need a huge favor from you." I slowly sit up catching my breath. I slide of the car. And run to Jake and Andy. Andy was trying to fight Jake off but Jake had him down. "I really don't want you to do this and yes I'll feel it to, but Lexi he needs blood, he didn't get enough when he hunted and I'm asking your permission to help me out... Or at least for him." I look at Andy he was struggling to get out of his grasp. I have to do this. I have to or I'll probably end up dead.

I pull up my sleeve. Looking at Jake and he nods at me telling me to go for it. Jake gives me a knife and I grab it cutting open my wrist. I wince a little. I look at Andy and his eyes were wide. They were flashing black and blue. At least Andy is in there somewhere. I place my wrist against his lips and he mediatly sunk his teeth in my wrist. Me and Jake let out loud groans. "Shit!" We both yell. I could hear him gulp each drop of my blood moaning at the taste. My body was burning. The pain was agonizing. But he needs it. And I'm willing to get my Andy back. Jake pulls on my wrist. "Andy that's enough." I look at Andy as he pulls away from Jake's demand. His eyes were the blue I loved. Andy sat up, tears rolling down his cheek. He looks at my neck then Jakes. Jake's neck was bruised. I bet mine was to. "I'm so sorry.." he looks at my wrist and grabs it. I flench then calm down as I see Andy tear a peice of his shirt off and wrapping it around my wrist. He looked really devastated. "Why did you let me drink from you?" I look up at him. "Because, I love you..." He looks up at me his attention snapped at me. "You love me i-" I cut him off. "I love you too Andy." Andy embraces me in a hug. He was sobbing on my shoulder. I hug back kissing his cheek. He pulls away examining my neck, "I'm so sorry Lexi, I didn't mean to... God I don't deserve your forgiveness." I shake my head "yes you do. And I forgive you Andy. It wasn't you. Just know that I will always love you.", "Lexi there cuts all over you, and glass." He traces his fingers against the cuts around my neck, and head. Just a few. "I'll clean them up.." he whispers. He looks at the car and mutters a quiet 'fuck'. I grab Andy's face. "I still enjoyed tonight." He shakes his head. "Yeah, until I ruined it." I lean in brushing my lips against his. "No you didn't." We stand up. Jake opens Andy's car door. "I'll drive, you two can sit out." Me and Andy hop in the back seat. The car ride was silent. No one talked. All we heard was breathing and the radio. Jake pulled in the driveway, stopping the ignition. "You'll have to be quite. Everyone is asleep." He gets out the car and in the house. I pull out my phone checking the time. 10:30pm damn. I get out the car followed by Andy. We silently walk upstairs to his bathroom. I squealed as he picks me up and sets me on the sink. He pulls out an first aid kit and pulls out alcohol. "I'm really sorry baby." He says as he daps a little of the alcohol on my cuts. It burned a little but it didn't phase me much. "Andy, it's fine." He shakes his head. "Look at your neck. You should be thankful to have a twin, because I would of killed you." I look at my neck as I turn to the mirror. There was dark bruises all around. I turn back around. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever killed you... I can't live with myself now sense I hurt you. Not only drunk from you. I told myself I would never drink from another human again..... Now look." He really needed to shut up and I can fix that problem. I put my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss... More like a make out! Andy seemed to relax when I kissed him. His body just when into jelly when my lips touched his. Our lips molded perfectly, the sensation of his movement made me melt. I scoot myself closer wrapping my legs around him. His hands rested on my hips. He hoists me on his hips and carries me to his room our lips not disconnecting. I felt the covers hit my back so I know we're on his bed. What am I doing??!!!???? This can't go any further.... Maybe a little longer. Andys hands trail up and down my body as he kisses me. He forcefully puts his tongue in my mouth making me moan in his. My heart was racing. He pulls away trailing kisses down my jawline and my neck. He plants kisses all over my neck. "I'm still sorry" he mumbles between each kiss. He kept kissing all around until he kisses one specific spot. And I didn't mean to make a noise but I don't know how to control my small moans. I never done this before.

I felt the smirk against my neck. He started to suck on that spot and lick witch drove me Fucking insane. He was grinding against me. I had to stop this... I felt his finger tips going in my jeans. Okay I need to stop him. "A-andy...uh" he quickly stopped and looked at me. "Your right. I'm sorry I guess I couldn't help myself." He said with a small smile. I laugh panting a little. "You horny bastard." He chuckles. "But I'm willing to wait for your first time and I know your not ready. I'm not ready myself." I nod. "Your a virgin?" He shakes his head. "Uh no... But you would be my second time, I only had done it once.." I nod. I unwrap my legs from his waist. "We should sleep." He nods. I get up and go to my bag and I could find anything. "Oh Jinxx did laundry today and your pajamas are in the washer. You can Barrow a shirt. " He stands up and pulls out a plan black shirt out of his closet. "Here, you can change in the bathroom." I nod... But I had this idea. I mean if me and Andy did have sex I would have to get naked in front of him. So I mine as well get use to changing in front of him. I step back and unbotton my flannel. Andys face was priceless but I had to keep a straight face.

"What. Are . You. Doing?" I ignore him. I pull my flannel off tossing it in his dirty laundry basket. I turn around just to tease him. I know he is still looking. Jesus I told I would have fun with this one. I take my pants off and shoes throwing my pants in the basket also and putting my shoes by my bag. "Lexi?" I still don't answer. I slip the shirt on and turn around. I cracked a small smile when I seen his face.

His eyes were wide and his mouth was open. "Close your mouth babe, I don't want to kiss a month with flies in it." He shuts his mouth quickly. He changes into just sweat pants and no shirt. We both lay in the bed. "Why didn't you change in the bathroom??" He asked. "I was thinking. Sense your my boyfriend and all and I'll see you alot. And if we were to do it and stuff I would have to be comfortable with my body around you." He nods. "I think your beautiful." I blush. He kisses me goodnight and I sink in the covers. He turns off the light and wraps his arms around me. My back was facing him. He had his head rested on my neck.

"By the way you have a nice ass." I slap his arm. "Go to sleep goofball.." i laugh. He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight love." , "Goodnight Andy." And darkness took me over.

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