the one

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Pic of Lexi above ⬆️⬆️⬆️
Lexi POV

I wake up to sunlight shining in my eyes. I'm in my room. How did I get here. I look around and I see Andy. He's sitting in a chair next to me asleep. He looks kinda cute. I smile then it fades as a painful rush goes to my head. I groan and hold my head. "Hey are you ok." I new that would wake him. I nod my head and look up. He was sitting next to me.  "Andy, you know something I don't and I want you to tell me what the fuck your talking about.. I'm the one?" Andy's eyes widen, "your suppose to forget.." he mutters. "Forget what?" Andy looks at me, but before he speaks I jump in. "Andy don't try to make and excuse, you know something I don't." Andy shakes his head, "I don't want to drag you in anything Lexi, you don't understand." I huff. "Andy you already dragged me in, why won't you at least tell me why I hallucinated? I know you know what I saw?" Andy looks at me.

"It's best to steer clear of me." He says kissing my forehead. I felt butterflies when he kissed me. Ya I know. 'he only kissed you on the forehead' well I have never been kissed, so I felt something. Andy walks out my door. I jump up looking out the window and see him leaving.. I wanted him to stay. Even though I thought he was an ass, maybe I was wrong. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. Yeah I probably wouldn't understand. But he pulls me in. He's a mystery. And I like a good challenge. And he is exactly what a challenge is called. If I wanna know what he is hiding. I'm going to have to play it slow. Gain his trust. Then find out what's wrong with me. Because I know he knows what I saw. And I plan to find out. As silence takes over, I over heard my mom and Micah arguing.

Again? I frown as there yells get louder. Are they coming to my room?? No please no.....

My door swings open. My mom looks mad. And... Drunk?. Oh no she's drunk again. "Micah l-eft me thanks to you!" She slurrs while taking a swig of vodka. "Mom please your just not you, and he wasn't good for you mom." I say standing up. I feel a sting on my cheek....... She hit me..  my mom hit me... And she never has... My heart feels like it's no more... My mom, my care giver, the woman who went through pain for 9 months, the woman who went through pain to bring me in this world, has hit me... Her only daughter who hasn't left her, other than my sister. Tears roll down my cheeks. My mom has fell over passed out. I check her breathing and she is fine. I put her on my bed, covering her up. Now the red mark as gotten on my face. People will ask about it. I need to get out of here. I grab cloths and shove them in my school bag. I look at the time. It's 7:00 pm. I dial maryanna's number. No answer. Justin. No answer. I sigh why won't anyone answer me. Oh right. Maryanna is on a date with Remington. And we already know what Justin and Josh are up to. And btw Chris is not an option.... That only means one thing...... Andy. I still have his number. I go through my contacts and tears rolling down my cheeks as I click his number.

I walk outside pulling my bag over my shoulders. "Please pick up" I chant waiting for him to pick up, "you have reached the voicemail of"  he didn't answer. Great. But I'll be damned if I go back in that house with her drunk. So I start to walk. I don't know where but I walk.. as I turn a corner I stop. Falling to my knees in tears.... "Why..... Why me" I say out loud. After all these years. Everyone says things get better. When in reality, they get worse. "All I wanted was to die..."

"I would miss you." I turn around to see Andy. He walks towards me sitting next to me. I look at him. "What?" He shakes his head like always. " What are you doing in the middle of the road at 7:30 at night?" I look at my hands. Thank God it's dark out. He won't see my face or the bruise on my arm when Micah punched me. "My mom was drunk and she- I didn't want to be around her." Andy looks at me like he doesn't believe me. "I seen you called me.... Why me?" I look at my hands then I feel fingers bring my chin up. I bite my lip, "you were my only option, no one would answer me.." "come with me." I look at him, standing up. " I know that's not all what happened at home." He says. How the fuck!! I follow Andy, hand in hand. Why? Idk.. he walks me to his house. Which is quiet nice. We walk in and he leads me upstairs. When we go down the hallway there was multiple doors. Five actually. They all had signs on them. There was two on the right and two on the left. The One in the middle. The two on the right said jinxx and jake, while the other two said CC and Ashley. Who are they? Again.... Idk. Then the one in the middle I guess is Andy's sense it says Andy on it. He walks me in. I was in awe of his room. Band posters. Batman on his wall. A king size bed in the middle with silk black sheets. And a guitar by his window. Andy sits down on his bed motioning for me to sit by him. I take my bag off setting it beside the bed, and sitting next to Andy.

Andy's eyes widen as he See's my face. He grabs it and examins it. "who the fuck did this to you!!!" He yells letting go of my face. I look down tears wanting to fall, but I don't let it. I have cried to much. "Your mom did this to you. Didn't she?" I nod, not able to speak. He takes my hand kissing it. Andy went to hug me and I wince when he touches my shoulder. He pulls away and he looks mad... Why? "Take your shirt off!" I look at him shaking my head. "Now!" I stand up backing away. "What's on your shoulder Lexi?" Oh that's what he meant. He stands up, walking towards me.

I could of swearn that his eyes were red for a minute. I gulp. "Who touched you Lexi??" I look down "no one."

Andy's POV
I was livid. I knew someone touched her. And I know it wasn't her mom. I don't know why it made me mad. But just thinking of anyone hurting her pissed me off. She is mine. I had a feeling I needed her to be safe. That I would protect her. And the thought of her mom hitting her made me irritated. But a guy. Oh that's a no no. I can't let her know what I am. She will run away. Call me a monster. My past is not a thing to remember. I have done things to humans that you wouldn't imagine. She is the one. She is the one I want. The one I must have. But she can't be near me. And I'm making it worse for her. But I need her safe. I was losing control. I need to calm down. Before I show her the real me. It's night time. And I need to control my self. "Lexi, you better speak." I step closer to her. I grab her arm, making her screech out. I pull her shirt down. Revealing a huge bruise, it was turning purple. That's when I lost it. "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS To YOU!?!???" I yell. I need to Calm down or I will hurt her.

Lexis POV
Andy was scaring me.... His eyes... They were red. Bright red... Andy grabbed his head. It was like he was growling. As I step closer I hear a big roar. Andy... That's when Andy's door bust opens and four different guys are yelling and grabbing Andy. The guys drag Andy out, him flailing around. I was just left, staring at the scene that just happened before me.... What was that.... What was he???

I sit on the bed. "What the fuck is wrong with me."

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