The plan

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Andy's POV
Lexi has been with me sense Friday. It's Sunday and I think she is up to something. I can't read her mind. It's like she doesn't think anymore, but she doesn't want me to read her mind anymore. I don't want her hurt.. I had the feeling to protect her and I'll go with the feeling.
I can't let her slip away like scout did. I would die. She Is my main focus right now and I need to stay focused. She hasn't been home in days and I practically know her for what? A week... And im already with her. Damn Andy hoe much? Lexi was in my room doing who know what and well I'm in the kitchen talking with Ashley. "do you think she is going to sneek out?" I shooke my head, "I don't know Ash, I just want her safe... That Micah dude, I have a bad vibe." I said taking a bite of my cereal. "you haven't met the guy bro." I shrug. "I just do.."

Lexi's POV
I was in Andy's room on the phone with my mom. "so he's talking to you tonight instead of Tuesday?" She replys with a yes. "Mom im sneaking out."," Lexi no, he will hurt you." I sigh. "and you mom, look don't worry about me, ok, I'll probably not go, hey got to go mom. Luv ya." I hang up. I'm obviously going. He will hurt her. My face and arm had gotten better, the bruise is gone now. I guess I'll have to start planning early. I have all worked out.

First, I'm going to pick a fight with Andy, and now I have an excuse to sleep on the couch.
Then, I'm going to wait until everyone is asleep and that's when I make my move. I'll quietly go through the front door and walk there. If not I'll run because I can't take Andy's car.
Mom said Micah is coming at 9:00 pm, so ill leave at 8 and make it quick so Andy and the guys won't even know I left. I go downstairs and the is on the couch watching TV. It's 7:00 pm right now. Yes I have been in his room sense this morning.

"Hey." Andy whispers. I smile sitting next to him. This is when the plan starts... How would I pick a fight with him? Hmmmmmm... Oh. I have an idea. I smirk as Ashley walk in. Here goes nothing. I wait for Ashley to walk pass us. Sense he is the most pervert, I'll target him. As he walks by I sit up and then smack! Right on the ass right in front of Andy. Ashely slowly turns around eyes wide. Andy looks at me in anger. He looks down and puts his hand on his chin and looks back at me realeasing his chin. "Lexi... Inlm going to ask you very calmly..... Why. Did. You. Do. That!?!!'" he asked raising his voice each word. I'm sorry Andy. "because I thought Ashley has a nice ass, unlike you." Fuck my heart.... I say as I mentally clutch my heart. Andy looked take back and Ashley quickly ran in his room. "Oh really? You have the FUCKINH NERVE ALEXIS!" There goes the full name..... I stand up "IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOUR NOT BLESSED WITH AN ASS, ANDY!!" He pressed his lips in a thin line. "We have been together for one day and I realized you can't keep your hands off of anyone. I heard that's what slutty bitches do!!!"

Ouch.... Mom you owe me...
I huff. "Then I'll sleep on the couch tonight." ,"Fine" and with that I'm alone in the living room. SCORE!!! I hope Andy will forgive me. I lay down.

I quickly and quietly put my shoes on grabbing my phone. I walk outside hoping no one heard me. I start walking towards my house. I wonder if Andy knows I snuck out. Because he was still awake I heard music playing in his room. Let's just hope for the best.

Andy's POv
It clearly pissed me off when she did that. Like wtf asshole. I was in my room. I turn around towards my mirror looking at my ass. She is sadly mistaken. I do to have an ass and she knows it. I go downstairs and the couch was empty. "Lex, baby... I'm sorry for what I said, come to bed.... Baby??" I call out. I look around the house and she was no where to be found. "Shit" I cursed under my breath. I walked towards Ashley's room.
"Dude what do you want?"

"Lexi, snuck out."

Lexi's POV
I was sitting with my mom when the door opens. "Wow your such a pussy that you call your daughter to protect you." I stand up "liste-" but mom cuts in. "Lexi please sit." I listen to her. Micah sits across from us. "I want to move back in, delaina.."
"Micah you know I can't do that." Mom says looking down. Micah pretends to be sad. "please baby, I'm so sorry for what I did, I was drunk." My mom looked up at him. "okay." WHAT NO. as he smiles I stand up and his smile fades away. "what no mom!! He is worthless, he beat you , and used you. HE EVEN HIT ME MOTHER!!!" my mom stands up. "sweety it's for the best." Micah butts in. "Yeah sweetie so listen-" I punch him. "No you mother fucker, I have had enough-" I was cut off by a loud ROAR from Micah and now I'm being thrown against the wall. My vision goes blurry, but back up when I sit up. Once I can see I see Micah hovering over mom Staring at me ... His eyes were black and his teeth were razor sharp........ I'm familiar with this...... Demon...... I stare at him in shock, trembling. He stares at my mom with a smirk. My mom is frozen in shock. " I think I'll have dinner now, but I'll save your precious daughter for dessert..."

Micah laches his mouth to Mom's neck, earning a scream from her. "No! Stop!! Please stop!! Mom fuck!! No!" Tears are rolling down my face. I couldn't move... Im not joking, it's like when he stared at me in the eye he made me paralyzed. Once he dropped my mom, licking his lips, he comes over to me smirking. "I think I'll just rip your neck off like I did to your friend, lyli is it?" More tears roll down. I need Andy, fuck I need him. As Micah inches closer to me. He flings his hanfs and claws come out... Andy doesn't have claws.... Has Micah raises his hand to claw me I close my eyes ready for the Impact.


I hear the door swing open.

Sorry it's so short but I'll write a longer chapter tomorrow!! ❤️🌹

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