Chapter 6

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Anthony and Maeter go to the dinning area to get something to drink. Hey Anthony I'm gonna step out for a bit I need to smoke a cig said Maeter. He walks by the desk and sees no one is there. Hello said Maeter out loud. He looks over at the desk and sees red liquid. He looks even farther and sees a bloody hand. He quickly picks up the phone to call 911. He dials the number but the phone line is out. Fuck the phone line is out said Maeter. He runs to the doors and sees the doors are jam shut. Fuck man i got to warn the other said Maeter. He runs up to Anthony and tells him what he discovered. Anthony runs upstairs to wake up Callie,Cameron and dexter.  They all go down stairs to meet up Maeter. Okay guys so we have to stay here over night said Maeter. Why so? asked Callie. Cause we are locked in here said Maeter. How so? asked Cameron. I went to take a smoke but the doors are jammed shut replied Maeter. Callie goes and checks the windows. She opens the window curtains and sees steel bars. She grabs them and shakes but there not moving at all. God damn it said Callie as she walks back to the others.

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