Calm Down

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So hey guys just wanted to say I apologies that I haven't been posting on a regular basis, I have had a boat no a ship wreck of finals, and I really needed to focus on them. Well anyways since it's summer that means hopefully more constant updates. Thanks for the reads and the comments you guys leave as well. 

Until next week, hope you guys enjoy. And as always Like, Vote, Comment and Share if you like whatcha see! Thanks!

-Minnie2898 :P

-Rachael’s POV-

I sat in the bed, glaring at the doctor who had previously knocked me out. He was checking my vitals. “Well, Miss Eckerson, you seem to be doing a lot better than before. You should be on your feet in no time.” He told me with a grin.


“And when I get on my feet, I’m gonna take this pole and bash it into your head. And then I...” I mumbled to myself as I crossed my arms over my chest.


“Excuse me?” He snapped back at me.


“You heard me. And then I’m going to wrap this fucking IV tube around your neck and pull it so hard…” Just then, before things escalated, a different nurse, very familiar of face, came in and I shut my mouth.


“You’re needed somewhere else,” The nurse who entered told him. He looked over his shoulder and sighed, exiting the room. The nurse approached me and I got a good look at her. I raised my eyebrow as I tried to put a name to her face.


She started taking down my vitals, “Well, seems like you’re doing well, Miss Erickson.”


I rolled my eyes. All of my life people have been mispronouncing my last name. “It’s Eckerson,” I corrected her. She ignored me.


“Do you know where Anthony, Joey, and Kenya are?” She asked me. I looked at her skeptically as she injected something into the saline bag that hung above me.


“Why? How the hell do you know them?!”


She glanced down at me and smirked, “It’s good to keep people you care about close to you. Especially at a time like this.” A chill was sent up my spine. Who was this person and why was she asking me about Anthony, Joey, and Kenya?

“Why?” I repeated.


The nurse turned away from me, “He’s coming for you. You won’t know when, and he won’t tell you why. But he’s coming for you. He’s coming for all of you.” And with that she walked out. I stared out the doorway for the longest time before I realized who it was.


“Clare!” I exclaimed, sitting straight up, just then I started to feel different. I clutched my chest which felt like there were a thousand pounds on it. I felt light-headed and sick to my stomach as the room around me started to spin. I rubbed my eyes before reopening them - the room thankfully had stopped turning, though the sick feeling stayed in the pit of my stomach. I lied back and looked up at the saline bag. What had she done to me?

Murder- Sequel to MissingWhere stories live. Discover now