New Introductions

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-Where Does the CIA Go Next When Head of the Department, Shane Dawson Has Gone Missing?-

**Kenya’s POV**

“Ugh!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, “Nothing, I have absolutely nothing. Not a single sighting, movement of cash, and not even a single update on his facebook page!”

“I am sure we will find something.” Rachael remarked.

“No I don’t think we ever will!” I said as I walked over to my laptop and checked out websites, Shane’s bank statements as well as accounts, and reviewed surveillance footage from every street in Los Angeles.“ It’s like he was wiped off the face of the earth.”

“Well let’s not think like that right now.” Rachael said, “We can only hope that he just decided to disappear.”

“For an entire month?” I asked with a disapproving expression that was written across my face.  “And anyhow it isn’t possible how could he buy anything without money.”

“Maybe he started a new account.” She responded.

“Without being spotted by a single camera!?” I inquired.

“I don’t know Kenya!” She snapped at me, “How the fuck am I supposed to know!?! I’m not Shane for fucking crying out loud!”

“This is crazy,” I screamed, “We are looking for a ghost!” and just as I was about to continue arguing with Rachael, Joey entered the room.

“Hey ladies,” He interrupted, “We have a crime scene we need to check out.” I grabbed my jacket and rushed past Rachael. She followed us out there.Anthony tagged along as well.


“What happened here?” Joey asked.

“It seems our friend here has been dead for about four hours,” I pointed as a man hung from a rope that was wrapped around his neck. The man’s head was leaning forward, his hands were bound by duct tape. “ and he has no I.D., and it looks like a suicide.”

“Do you have reason to believe that is the cause of death was different?” Rachael interrupted.

“I’d need someone to lower the body so I can identify him, and make a further analysis” Then I hear a thud from behind me, the sound turns the attention of the group behind me. We all gaze to see the unidentified body on the floor face down, and Anthony standing next to a nub of rope, holding a pair of scissors and giving a dumbfounded look.

“What?” He snapped at us before pocketing the scissors and wiping his hands on his pants.

“That’s disgusting” Rachael murmured to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“And just think, he’s all your’s!” I reminded Rachael.

“Ew! Look at this!” Joey whined as he poked the dead man’s face.

“But he is your’s.” Rachael retorted with a smirk. I punched her in the arm, which in return got me the same thing. Anthony got between us before things escalated.

“This isn’t a place to fight, ladies,” Anthony remarked, looking at the two of us, “It’s a crime scene. If anyone should know about that, it’s you two.”

“Oh put a sock in it Anthony!” Joey said as he grabbed Anthony by the head and pushed him forward. Anthony stumbled forward and spun quickly back around, charging at Joey and slamming him up against the wall. Joey pushed Anthony away from him and put him in a headlock. The two of them continued fighting.

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