Putting The Pieces Together

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Two Hours Later...


-Joey's POV-


I noticed that when Kenya and Rachael returned, they’d been acting weird. Rachael was clinging onto Anthony, and Kenya was giving the death stare to Rachael and Anthony.


“Hey man, can I talk to you outside?” I tapped Anthony on his shoulder. Rachael looked at me with eyes screaming she didn't want Anthony to leave her side.


"Sure," He answered, reassuring Rachael he'd be back before she knew it. I dragged him out of the hospital room, into the hallway shutting the door for privacy. Anthony still looked tired and frail from this afternoon.


“Are you okay?” I asked.


“Yeah, why do you ask?” He retorted, putting his hands on his hips.


“Well, it’s just that you seem...surprisingly calm after what happened not too long ago.”


Anthony smirked, "So?"


“You almost threw a guy over the edge of a bridge, Anthony. I mean, we all wanted to do it, but you actually came close to dropping him.”


He scoffed, "Look, Joey, I'm really not in the mood to talk about it, okay?"


“Exactly. That’s what I am worried about, man. I just don’t want you to pick the wrong moment to explode and actually hurt someone.”


"I'm not going to hurt anyone," He tried to convince me.


“I’m not too sure about that.”


He shook his head, "One fucking time, Joey, and you harp on me about it! That dick deserved what he got and I'm not sorry for it!"


“I understand that, but I just don’t want you doing anything irrational.”


"Irrational? I'm not irrational..."


"Sure you are," The two of us turned our heads to see Luke standing at the opposite end of the hallway. We pulled out our guns and pointed them at him. He looked a little different, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He took a few steps forward, "Wouldn't you call your little act at your house irrational? Or what you did to me a few hours ago irrational? Everything about you is irrational, Anthony, it’s hilarious."


“I should have dropped your ass off that bridge. Since I am so irrational, Luke," Anthony replied.


"You really should have," He smirked, "I don't understand why you didn't." He laughed, “Oh wait. I do...You didn’t want to look bad in front of Rachael.” I could see the anger boiling up inside of Anthony. "Where is she anyways? I want to talk to her."


“Take one more step and I will put a bullet through your skull! And this time I don’t give a fuck if she sees me!”

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