Chapter 2.

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Written by @xSnowKiss

• Carter •

I stare at myself in the mirror, not quite believing the image before my eyes.

My hair was brown and curly and it fell in ringlets down my back. When I met Justin, my hair was died black but my hair grew and the color slowly faded so now it's naturally brown again. I liked it natural.

My eyes were blue and clear and they reminded me of a sparkling blue ocean. Justin would sometimes say he wanted to swim in my eyes. It made me smile and I never really knew how to reply except with a kiss.

My lashes seemed thicker and longer today, maybe because of the eyeliner and mascara. They framed my eyes, bringing out the color. There wasn't even a mark nor scar of any sort on my face. It was flawless and I had Selena to thank for that. She had done my makeup and it looked more professional than I would have thought.

Besides all that, it felt weird to stand here in front of a mirror in my wedding dress. It was long and white and a slightly puffy. It fell to my ankles and hugged my body perfectly. The top was cut so that it revealed my shoulders and showed a bit of cleavage.

Aunt Marci, Selena, and I spent days, even weeks, searching for the perfect dress. We finally chose this one and I admit, it truly was perfect.

"Are you done bonding with yourself?" Selena's voice interrupts my thoughts as she peers her head through the dressing room's door.

"Um, yeah." I tell her, not tearing my eyes from the girl in the mirror.

"You're beautiful, Carter." Selena compliments, stepping forward so that she stood behind me. "Justin's lucky to have you."

I let out a nervous chuckle. "Lucky to have me? Honestly, I'm lucky to have him."

The look of Selena's tells me that she agrees, therefore she isn't going to argue. Any girl that dated Justin would know that he's a great guy and anyone would be lucky to make him their husband. Well, except for those girls he might have hooked up with in his dark days. Emphasis on dark days.

Justin's changed a lot. He's himself now. He's real and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, fiancé, or soon-to-be husband. I loved Justin more than life itself. He was my everything and I don't where I would be without him.

I feel something wet hit my neck and I realize Selena's just sprayed perfume on me. When I look, I notice Justin's familiar bottle of Someday. The beautiful scent fills the air and I inhale, taking it in.

"It's almost time." Selena whispers in my ear, a giggle escaping her lips. "Hey, do you think I have any chance of catching that bouquet at the end?" She suddenly asks, changing the subject.

I laugh softly as I slip on my silver heels. "Are you hoping Cale will propose to you?"

Selena clears her throats, trying to hide an obvious blush. "No. We're...we're too young. Besides, we've only been dating for a few months.

"So?" I point out. "Cale's in love with you. Don't deny it, Sel. The guy would swim across oceans just to be with you."

Selena's blush reddens. "Do you really think?"

"I really know." I assure her. "Don't let go of Cale. He's a great guy and I'm sure you guys will have a future together whether it's in a few months or a few years."

I'm taken off guard when Selena throws her arms around me, wrapping me in a big hug. "You're a great friend, Carter. You're right. Cale will always be worth it."

"Mhm." I try to nod. "You'"

"Sorry." Selena pulls away and laughs. "So are you ready?" She asks. "There's a desperate boy waiting to marry you."

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