Chapter 18: Spring Break is Over

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Hi guys. First I want to thank you for 5k views, and keep making that number rise! Tell your friends! I completely forgot about my story and feel so bad! I've been so busy lately, with church things and summer reading for school.. I hope this part lives up to your standards.. Another great Ross and Rachel story I'm addicted to is "Problems" that's really good, so if you aren't reading it, check it out. I haven't a clue where I'm going with this, but I've been writing it so long, and so irregularly that I kind of want to end it soon. Anyway, I'm done here, so I'll let you read.


Our weekend at the beach was really fun, but eventually it all had to come to an end. Soon enough finals week will start and my first year of college will be over. It's pretty overwhelming, to be honest.

"Ross, I'm ready," I call when I've finished packing.

"Could you have done any more shopping while we were here?" Ross asks, picking up my overfilled suitcase.

"Well I could have I you hadn't been rushing me whenever I went into a store!" I reply annoyed. What does it matter how much I shop?

He must have sensed my annoyance, because he playfully kisses my cheek and said, "I love you." I nod and follow him down to the lobby where we met up with Monica and Chandler.

We spent the car ride home singing along to the radio and talking about how much fun we had and that we should come to the beach again in the future.

When we got back to the dorms, Monica and I start unpacking. I put all my stuff in the dirty clothes pile, as I couldn't have been bothered to do any washing there. Then I put all my new things away. "So you and Ross," Mon started and I looked up from my drawers and smiled at her.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"How's that going?" She asked putting the last of her stuff away.

"Good," I say, grabbing movies for us to watch when the boys get here.

"Just good?" she asks, concerned.

"Well, better than good. I was sparing you because he's your brother and I figured you wouldn't want to know how your brother is better in bed than Chip Matthews." By this time she has her hands over her ears, humming so she can't hear anything. "See, that's what I thought." I smirk and walk out of the bedroom.

"Hey!" I greet the boys as I walk out of the room with a few movies. "We have The Breakfast Club, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Adventures in Babysitting." I announce as they sit.

"Adventures in Babysitting!" Chandler announces quickly so we'd watch that one.

"Alright. That's a funny one." I say and Monica puts the movie on.

Monica and Chandler were thankfully paying attention to the movie, because I wasn't. I was busy teasing Ross, leaving soft kisses from his neck, down his chest, and feeling his penis through his pants, smirking as he squirmed under me. I kissed him quickly as I figured I'd teased him enough and got up to get a drink.

"I'm so not looking forward to finals!" I hear Monica say as the credits rolled.

"Neither am I!" Ross and Chandler chime in.

"I hope they're not too bad.." I say sitting on Ross' lap. He wraps his arms around me as we talk about finals week.

Around 10, the boys leave and Monica and I go to sleep.

Finals start next week. I really need to start studying.


As I was writing this, I realized how I wanted to end this!! I've decided I just want Monica and Rachel's first year of college, so I'll probably end it in about 3 or 4 chapters.

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