Chapter 5

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            It didn’t take me a week to notice that I had nearly every class with Ashton—nearly every class, that is, except my elective, psychology.  Truth be told, I only took it because I wanted a definite class with Dani and Trent; it turned out even better when I found out I had all my classes with Dani and all but one class with Trent.  It did, however, take me exactly one week to figure out that Ashton avoided me at school all the time.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I expected him to suddenly become best friends with me. 

            It’s just that I hoped we could still talk.

            “Oh who am I kidding,” I muttered under my breath.

            “What?” Dani asked, looking at me expectantly.

            I stared at her a bit sheepishly before turning my attention to the front of the classroom where the psych teacher was currently assigning a project we had to do.  Turning back towards Dani, I said with denial, “Nothing.”

            “Sure,” she drawled out sarcastically, “are you thinking about Ashton?”

            At the mention of the name, I shot her a disgusted look.  Trent, at this moment, took the time to look at both of us in a confused manner.  “Why would she be thinking about Ashton?”  Trent asked.

            “I’m not,” I snapped quietly before remembering how we hadn’t told Trent anything that happened.  In fact, for all he knows, I had forgotten about Ashton the very first time I bumped into him in the lunchroom.  If only, I thought with frustration.

            A silence settled upon the three of us only to be cut sharply by a terse voice from the front of the room.  “Cadrian Tinker.  Is there anything you need to share with the class before I start assigning this project,” Mrs. Syche said from the front of the room, standing akimbo.

            “No,” I said meekly, with a weak, innocent grin, before sinking into my chair, “just talking about the project.”

            She stared at me for a long time before saying, “I’m sure you aren’t, but please pay attention.  The same goes for Trent and Danika.”

            “Now the project you guys will be doing will be a survey.  Since this is a beginning of the year project, I’m not expecting much but a survey of one hundred people on nothing in particular.  When I’ve given this project before, I’ve gotten anything from ‘Favorite Chip Brand’ to ‘What Color Underwear Are You Wearing Now’.  Needless to say, what I don’t want is the something extremely inappropriate.  You guys know what I’m talking about,” she said in a chastising tone causing the class to laugh a bit at her assumption.  “Other than that, the only other rule is you may work with two other people, and it is due next week.  You will be given free time in class to work on it—do not waste it.”  As she said that, she seemed to shoot an unnerving glare at the three of us.  “So, let’s begin.”

            Dani shot Trent and me an understanding glance—the three of us were to be in a group.  It was unspoken.  “So what are we going to do?” Dani asked as we grabbed our chairs and got into a circle.

            “More like, what’s going on?” Trent said impatiently.  “I know you both are hiding something and I want to know.  Now.”

            I bit my lip, unsure what to say.  Trent has always been one of my closest friends, but in a way, I felt as if this would make him feel uncomfortable, like we didn’t trust him or anything.  Dani shot me a worried look and I gave a barely perceptible nod.  Dani started, “Alright, here’s what happened.”

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