Chapter 4

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          The sterile smell of anesthetics and medicine hung over the air the moment we stepped into the hospital.  A dampened feeling of loss mingled with the lightness of hope seemed to dance in the air, hugging anyone who walked by.  Smiling at the people who were sitting in the recession area, Dani and I made our way to the front desk.

            “May I help you—” the girl at the desk looked up suddenly and stopped in her tracks before saying, “what are you guys doing here?”

            “More like since when did you start working at a hospital?” Dani scolded, oblivious to the shushing that occurred around her.

            “Sh,” Violet said, panicking slightly and stepping out from behind the desk.  Muttering an excuse to the other secretary, she rushed both of us into the bathroom before swiveling around and shooting us the glare.  “What are you guys doing here?” she repeated her earlier question with a hiss.

            “We were just passing by,” Dani answered innocently.

            “And you just so happened to walk into a hospital?” Violet sighed before leaning against the wall.  “A while back I decided to volunteer at the hospital because I wanted to do something to give back to the community.  And it’s also great experience for the medical field which is something I’m definitely interested in.  But don’t tell anyone, okay?”

            “Of course we won’t,” I reassured, “but why is it such a big secret to keep?  I mean plenty of people volunteer.”

            Violet, pulling at her brown hair, hesitated before saying, “You know how awkward I am around people.  I just—I don’t know—it’s just awkward.  You know?”

            I raised an eyebrow, skeptically, before remembering how sensitive and self-conscious Violet could be.  In truth, we all knew that Violet has had a tough life, but one day during freshman year, Dani took her under our wing, just like she had with Trent, and through this gesture, Violet has gained so much more confidence.  Unfortunately though, her insecurities still showed.  “I get it,” I responded soothingly.

            “Thanks,” she suddenly grinned in relief.  “Do you guys want to come out or something and wait for me?  I actually left my phone in the car so that’s why I went outside—to get it from my mom.  But if you want, I get off in like fifteen minutes so we can go somewhere then if you like.”

            “Sure thing!  Do you need any help?”  Dani quickly jumped in.

            “Yeah, sure!” Violet said eagerly before motioning us to the door.

            “Uh,” I hesitated, suddenly having an uncomfortably full bladder, “I need to pee so…”

            “Just go,” Dani laughed.  “We’ll meet you outside.”

            A couple minute later after relieving myself, I stepped back into the air-conditioned, sterile smell of the hospital once more.  Looking around, I could find neither Dani nor Violet.  Panicking slightly, I decided to wander around a bit.

            All around me there was a stifling air of both depression and hope which caused a confused emotion within me.  To my right I would see an old couple shuffling toward the exit, grinning for some reason.  Then to my left there would be a sobbing mother walking out with her daughter—the daughter staring at her as if wondering what was wrong.  Keeping my head down as to avoid the heartfelt glances of people in the room, I walked hastily to one of the hallways.

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