Prologue/ Short Author's Note

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Here’s a little tip of survival for all of you reading this very line right now: Never yawn while Danika Mars is talking, because it leads to no good.


It’s like a yawn during Danika’s speech is a sure sign of definite disaster. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the end of the world is cause by a group of friends yawning in synchronization around Danika while she is giving a speech on her favorite topic: boys.

It’s weird to think that if I had held my yawn in for just a bit longer than none of this would have ever occurred. In fact, I might be somewhere else instead of sitting down and writing my life story. But, hey, if you believe in destiny or fate or whatever, then call it just that.

Then again, we all know that fate or destiny or whatever you want to call it has a quirky sense of humor.



If you want, you can skip this semi-long author's note I'm going to have. Go on. Skip it. Just know you are missing out on me talking-- which I suppose isn't a lot...

I'd love if throughout the story you could take the time and click the Vote button and even if you despise it, then leave a comment! If anything else, I adore comments even more because they provide constructive criticism as well as feedback I'd love to read! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story as much as I will enjoy writing it! Thanks for all your support-- and I hope you didn't feel like you just wasted 2 minutes of your life reading an author's note...


P.S. Any ideas for a better title? 

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