Chapter 43

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It is now later in the morning, and I have returned home. William is staying at Charles' house, until we meet up again later. Since then I've been revealing my good news to everyone, to much disbelief.

"You mean Charles' friend, William DARCY?" Mum gasps in surprise, her eyes lit with excitement. "You have never mentioned much about him before, are you saying my dear that you have finally chosen your match?" She almost squeals.

"Yes," I sigh happily, my cheeks turning slightly pink. "Only I wouldn't say finally, I've just been waiting for the right person to come along."

"Oh my, I should have investigated more after I saw that photograph of you both together at the Oxford Ball. Well, as long as he makes you happy and treats you well, you have my blessing."

"Thank you, mum," I laugh, embracing her.

"Who is this you are talking about?" Kitty enquiries, before realisation crosses her face. "Oh, William is the  moody one who we met at the pub months ago and at Charles' party, wasn't it?! Are you sure you want to be with him?" She asks in surprise.

"Yes, he's not like that at all, I misjudged him completely myself as well."

"Oh, I never would have imagined that you would choose him but thinking about it, you both would look good together. And how lucky are you, he is dreamily handsome," she giggles.

I nudge her playfully in response. "Relax, he's mine," I say even to my own disbelief, happiness and love soaring from within me.

I begin to walk towards the living room and sit down beside Jane on the sofa, who shares a knowing look with me.  I have already told her about me and William, she was the first person to know. I told her everything, including the whole Wickham and Lady Catherine drama. I also rang Charlotte and told her the same thing, as she is my best friend and one who I will fully confide in.

Jane was completely surprised and shocked to hear about the information I had been bottling up inside, and handled the mistakes made by William affecting her which she had heard about prior from Charles with pure acceptance.

"What's done is done," she said, "And he's changed. It doesn't matter in the slightest, and I'm so happy for you both!" She reveals.

"I could cry," I beam as we look at each other, before hugging and releasing squeals of joy and excitement.

"We get to experience this together, and with our boyfriends being as close as we are!" She issues with awe.

"I'm guessing lots of double dates," I smile eagerly with anticipation, as we both silently imagine our near futures.

"Eliza," dad interrupts by placing his hand on my shoulder. "Let me have a word with you in private," he says, guiding me towards the kitchen and smiling at Jane as he does so. I'm sure he had a similar conversation like this with her a few days prior.

Once we get there he closes the door and looks at me warily, concern etched on his features.

"In all seriousness about your news, I have to intervene and check that you are sure about this," he says. "It's only because I'm protective of you, and know that you didn't like this young man before."

"I know," I say, "But I was wrong. So wrong. And so was he, but we were both too stubborn to realise it," I answer honestly, with emotion clear in my voice.

"But I love him, dad," I continue with a light exclaim to my shocked father. "So much."

"Well, he says, leaning back against the counter. "What is it with you and men's with names beginning with W?"

We both laugh, before he continues.
"If he really is the one, then he must be wonderful to deserve you."

"Thank you dad," I reply as my eyes well up with tears. "Your approval means a lot to me," I say as I energetically hug him, taking him by surprise before he embraces me back.

"Go on with you," he sniffs, turning around to conceal his emotions.

Overcome with happiness, I have plans for only one thing, to go to William. I beam for the hundredth time that day, as I acknowledge that my life is about to embark on a new and very exciting journey. And I am beyond ready.

A/N: Thank you all for 44k😮😘Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think! Only 1 more to go, let's do this!😭💖💖

Eliza and WillOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora