Chapter 14

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"I can't believe this," I say to Jane as we sit on her bed, dissolving into fits of laughter. "I have to go to the ball with a guy I don't know and who is very strange. Not to mention the fact that HE will most likely be there," I groan.

A week has since passed, and the tragic university ball is tomorrow. The only positive factor is that Jane has been invited to attend as Charles date and I am excited to become glamorous for the evening.

"Eliza stop being so dramatic, there will be thousands attending and your worried about seeing one guy. Plus I'll be there, why worry?" She jokingly says.

"You will be at a table with Charles' friends including HIM for the whole evening, while I'll be stuck with Michael," I point out.

"It's a shame you couldn't have a nice date," she sighs with sincerity. "I'll look out for a nice guy for you, I'm sure Charles will have one friend who would suit you."

"Let's hope they'll not all be like you know who, I'm going to start calling him Darcy actually, his pretentious, fancy last name suits him."

"Your terrible," Jane playfully slaps my arm.

"Just honest," I declare as we laugh again. After a while I climb up to my bunk so we can get a goods nights sleep for tomorrow, fantasying about an ideal young man as I fall asleep.

The next morning we both wake around 8 o'clock and have a quick breakfast before dad drives us to our aunt's house to get ready. My aunt is lending me my dress and our cousins have kindly volunteered to help us get ready.

Once we arrive we both take a shower and beautify ourselves before we let them get to work. Our cousin Emily is going to do our hair and Lily is going to do our make up and paint our nails.

"I don't think I've ever been made up this glamorous," I laugh as I get my make up done." We all have a lot of fun catching up as we spend the majority of the day in their bedroom. I find the whole process of getting ready very relaxing and therapeutic, symbolising the calm before the storm.

After they finish getting us ready and we get dressed, we both look into the mirror at the same time and gasp at our reflections.

"Oh my, I can't believe it," Jane beams.

"We look fit for the Oscars," I laugh, echoing Jane's level of surprise.

Jane looks breathtakingly beautiful, wearing a soft pink lace dress ending below her knees that she bought on sale, teamed with nude heals and a mini clutch bag. Her hair is formed in a low bun with two curled strands hanging at each side of her face, and her makeup compliments her outfit perfectly.

The dress my aunt lent me is a long and slim emerald green satin dress with an elegant cowl neck and delicate capped sleeves. It is simple, elegant and sophisticated and I feel like a princess wearing it. Emily has scraped back my hair into a low thick bun and Lily has given me minimal yet glamorous make up.

We take pictures together along with my aunt and uncle and after many thanks, they drive us home to leave for the ball from there.

When we arrive indoors, mum, dad and our sisters mouths drop in shock.

"Oh girls, you looks beautiful," mum cries, rushing over to us.

Michael and Elaine arrive at the house soon after followed by Charles, where we take photographs together and each have a glass of champagne. There is no time for things to be awkward between Michael and I as the atmosphere is too busy in the house.

"Imagine having daughters who look like that!" Mum exclaims. This is typical mum but she's adorably happy, so we let her have it.

Before we are about to leave, mum studies me for a second and suddenly looks enlightened.

"Wait one moment," she calls, pacing upstairs.

She returns with her beautiful pair of diamond stud earrings, which she wore on her wedding day and only now on special occasions.

"These will go beautifully with you dress," she smiles at me.

"Thank you," I excitedly smile as I slip them on, before hugging her.

I feel small butterflies of excitement and nerves as we are escorted by our dates into our shared taxi.

"Behave yourselves," mum shouts from the doorstep and we are off, en route to Cambridge.

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