Chapter 33

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*6 weeks later*

"Please come back, we miss you," my voice trembles, barely above a whisper as I hold an old photograph containing Lydia and I.

Since Lydia's disappearance a month and a half ago, we haven't heard anything from her. Although the police search is still ongoing, they have not been able to trace her.

"Why?" I question out of frustration, tears brimming my eyes. "How could you do this to us?"

During the first few days after she went missing, I was the one out of my family that remained positive and hopeful that she would soon return safe and sound. However, after the first week and up to the present day, my hope is diminishing and I am starting to fear the worst for my sister. The feeling is worse than grief, as not only do you miss someone but you feel worried about them and constantly on edge and exhausted from the stress of it all.

My summer so far as a result has been ruined. I spend most of my time at home, leaving the house occasionally to visit Charlotte but that's as far as my social activities extend. I don't even go walking anymore, I haven't felt like it. My days are spent cooking and cleaning for mum while she manages to go to work, as she can barely cope as it is - never mind be able to complete housework.

Dad keeps to himself even more so than usual and deals with his emotions privately. From what I've observed, he offers little emotional support to mum, therefore it's been my job to take on that burden and deal with her breakdown moments, when it all becomes too unbearable. Jane also provides comfort but is never usually around when they occur due to her busy work schedule that she takes on. As for Mary and Kitty, they are too young to know how to cope with and handle her during these moments. My heart breaks for her, as I can't imagine the pain of one of your children being missing.

Aside from Lydia, I have been suffering from a terrible heartache. Since the day I left Pemberly, William hasn't contacted me. I believe for certain that he is choosing to deliberately ignore me. He said that he loved me before, or so I thought. But his actions were so genuine and the way he looked at me showed that he meant it. He must have had a change of heart after I left and now he wants nothing more to do with me. My heart aches at the thought and begins to race, sadness and panic installing within me. I climb down from my bunk and walk over to the window, leaning on its ledge for support.

I never apologised for the way I treated him, a thought replays over and over in my head. Maybe he's fell in love with someone else, someone who he deserves, I imagine as I am filled with self doubt.

"Please give me the chance to apologise William," I lightly gasp, tears streaming down my face. "I tried and you won't listen!"

Even thought the rain is pouring down outside, I need to get out of the house. I have felt dead inside for so long, and now I am on the verge of combustion with the emotions stirring inside me.

Just as things were coming together, I think, putting on my coat and lifting up my hood tightly.

And now it's ruined, I declare in my mind before opening the door to cold gusts of wind and hail, slamming it behind me.

A/N: Thank you all for 16k!😘😘

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