Chapter 28

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I lean against the wall next to the porch and let out a yawn as I check the time on my watch, which reads that it is 8am. My grandparents will be here any moment to pick me up and I can barely contain my excitement. After the last few long and stressful months, the break will do me good, which will no doubt serve as a great introduction to summer. Jane can't get any time off work from her supermarket job at such short notice, so sadly she will not be coming with us. However, as much as I adore my sisters company, I'm thankful for the opportunity to have some reflective time alone spent with my granny and grandad.

I am removed from my thoughts as I hear the faint toot of a horn, signalling their arrival. I place my small side bag on my shoulder and pick up my large travel bag, quietly leaving the house and locking the front door behind me, careful as to not wake anyone.

I quickly climb into their car and finally get to let out a squeal of excitement as I greet them.

"All set," smiles my granny, turning around in her front passenger seat to face me.

"More than ever," I sigh in contentment, gazing out of the window as our journey begins.

The journey takes a few hours, during which I happily chat to my grandparents while we listen to relaxing, classical music on the radio and admire the scenic views of the English countryside. We pass many large houses and various estates, which remind me immediately of William and Charles. No, I think to myself, pushing that thought out of my head. I mustn't dwell on them, not today. However, this proves difficult as we drive past the side road which leads to Charles' house, where I stayed only a few months before. My heart aches for Jane as I think of their broken relationship, as I painfully come to the realisation that Charles no longer permanently lives in Hertfordshire.

My light hearted attitude returns as my grandad pulls up outside their house, our journey having come to an end.

"We're here," I exclaim, taking in the familiar property before me which I haven't visited for two years. The house is small and beautiful, with a homely and peaceful atmosphere as it overlooks acres of fields. As we enter inside, I am hit with a sense of nostalgia as I inhale the familiar smell of fresh flowers that my granny has placed in almost every room, and from then on, my worries are forgotten.

I place my bags into the reasonably sized guest room that I will be sleeping in and join my grandparents for brunch in the kitchen. After we do the washing up together, we spend the first day of my trip relaxing by watching movies. Granny and I bake banana bread together in the afternoon, which we all mostly devour while sitting outside, enjoying the good weather.

Over dinner as we discuss our plans for the week ahead, granny shows me an advertisement that she found for me yesterday in a local newspaper. I'm confused as it details a job offer looking for various temporary, part-time maids at Pemberley estate, which I'm informed is close to their house.

"It's literally only a minutes drive from here, it's hidden behind the trees after the fields at the back of our house," explains grandad, with his wine in hand.

"Why do you want me to see this?" I ask.

"We think that this would be a great summer job for you, wouldn't you love to work in a huge, grand house like this? It would be a great experience, and give you something exciting to do over the summer. You could stay with us and we'll drive you home whenever you wish of course. You should definitely apply and you'll hear back within a few days, it says. What do you think?" Asks granny.

"Is this a trick question? I'd love to!" I beam. "Only I doubt I'll be picked," I laugh, making sure that I don't get my hopes up.

"Nonsense, I don't see why not," remarks granny. "You'll no doubt make a great impression I'm sure, both in the application and in person. They'd love a hard working, efficient and kind hearted person like you on their team."

"Thanks," I lightly blush at her compliment. "I'll get my application done tonight."

"Great," she smiles, refilling our glasses with more wine. "I knew you'd be interested."

I can't wait to tell Charlotte, I think to myself eagerly, she'll be so excited for me. Summer is definitely looking great, let's hope it all works out.

A/N: Hey guys, firstly thank you for making me reach 9k reads!!! I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone who has added this story to your reading lists, which I'd forgotten to mention before. I feel emotional reflecting on the support I've received from you all so far, I never expected it. I still remember when I reached 17 reads and felt excited! I always dreamt of reaching 1k reads, so to have this many and not even be finished the story is crazy. Thank you all so much and if you enjoyed this chapter, please vote💕

Eliza and WillOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara