Chapter 42

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After the disastrous events from the day before, my restless inclinations drove me to go on a early morning walk. It is not yet 8am, but I have already walked for miles past endless empty fields.

Although I draw peace from the beautiful misty and damp scenery surrounding me, it does nothing to dull the aching in my heart.

"I have to move on, I have to try," I whisper quietly to myself. My emotions have been crushing me lately, and I can't go on living my life this way.

I overhear the pure and tranquil sound of a lone hummingbird, which could only be nearby. I feel my eyes well up at the beauty of the sound, as the depth of heartbreak but longing for new beginnings consumes me. However, I feel slightly uplifted when I hear the sweet chirps from another bird of the same kind, who sounds to have joined its company.

Suddenly after that, I surprisingly spot a figure in the distance, who appears to be walking towards me. My eyes strain to look at whoever it is clearly, and then widen as I recognise the person.

"No, it couldn't be..." I gape in shock.

My heart drops to my stomach, causing it to quicken and for butterflies to emerge as I watch William, make his way closer to me. Although he is walking steadily, time appears to go by in slow motion as I relish in this breathtaking moment. His appearance is casual but stunning, as the early morning fog and light make him appear more authentic and real.

"I couldn't sleep," I apprehensively say, once he is before me. He eyes seem to penetrate deep into mine, full of disbelief to see me and mirroring strong emotions of apprehension and relief.

"Me too. I've been driving around for hours, waiting for the right time to visit you. That is, until I noticed you further back," he reveals, making me want to melt.

"I don't understand," I breathe, my voice catching in my throat.

"I don't blame you," he says. "I'm so sorry about my aunt, she told me about your meeting yesterday and accidentally revealed that she had got someone to remove all of the contact information I had for you, and replaced it with false data.' I am shocked, due to his revelations and my own reasons for him not contacting me being false.

"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me," he continues, "But after what she told me from your conversation, it has given me some hope. I know that if you didn't want me, you would have probably said so during her outburst. I thought I'd better see you and find out for myself, if not I completely understand and won't bother you again."

"Don't mind my aunt either, she will be of no harm and I will ensure it. She just fears you and is jealous," he reassures.

"Yes, it is true," my voice lightly shakes with emotion. "I've felt the same way, I tried to reach out to you but thought you didn't want me either."

He looks at me with surprise and relief, before I take a deep breath and state, "I love you. I'm sorry for not realising it sooner, not to mention for the way I treated you."

He looks stunned and appears taken aback from my words. "It doesn't matter, I behaved terribly but I feel like a changed person now, thanks to you."

"And me."

In response, he gently takes one side of my face in his hand and lowers his head to rest above my forehead. At that moment, the sun begins to dawn, symbolising this moment of our relationship forming. I can't believe that I've got him, and he's mine at last.

The familar smell of his cologne hits me, making my eyes well up again.
"I've missed you," I say, shyly raising my head to look at him.

He smiles deeply, before looking at me seriously. "I love you, Eliza. Always have and always will."

"I love you, Will," I reply, feeling as though my heart could burst with giddiness and love.

"I've been waiting for you to say that," he adds humorously, gazing at me.

We both laugh in response as the sun shines on us, until our lips form together and we become entwined. We break apart moments later, as he lifts me into his arms and twirls me around, deepening our embrace.

This is what I have been dreaming about and now I can't believe that it is a reality. I feel so lucky and at ease and so does William, this is what real life is really about. You see, I have my fair share of faults and that's what makes me human. However, I've learnt to acknowledge and accept these flaws in order to learn from them as best I can. In turn, this should prevent a dramatic case of misunderstanding like this to ever occur again.

A/N: Thank you so much for 40k, and I hoped you enjoyed the moment that you've all be waiting for lol💖😍🤧

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