Chapter 14

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Alya was on the hunt.

She wanted answers, and she wanted them now.

The brunette peeked her head into the boys locker room and spotted her victim talking to his group of fencing pals; Adrien Agreste.

"Psst!" she whispered nonchalantly.

Adrien turned his head towards Alya and raised an eyebrow. His heart dropped and he automatically knew she was mad at him.

He put on his best fake model smile and shrugged, quickly pointing to the group of guys in front of him. He mouthed the words "Can't talk" in an attempt to send Alya away just so he wouldn't have to feel her wrath.

But it didn't work.

Alya marched right over to Adrien and grabbed his ear, pulling him away from his friends.

"Ow ow owww!" the blonde wailed, being tugged out of the locker room.

Alya finally released Adrien outside of the room and crossed her arms. "Listen here, we need to talk."

"About what?" Adrien asked, trying to play dumb while simultaneously convincing himself that Alya wasn't going to mention--

"Marinette," Alya growled.

Adrien felt the blood in his veins run cold, his stomach churning. "Uh... what about her?"

"You hate her?" Alya spat, her face turning red.

"What?" Adrien asked incredulously. "I don't hate her! Who said that?"

"She did," Alya mumbled.

Adrien paused, his heart dropping in his chest. It didn't make sense. Why would Marinette think he hated her?

"I'm disappointed in her, but I don't hate her!" Adrien exclaimed, his mind spinning.

"Why are you disappointed in her?" Alya pressed, stepping forward.

"Because she tried to sabotage my relationship with Louise," Adrien frowned, dropping his head.

"What?" Alya gasped. "She would never."

"She told me Louise was just using me," Adrien continued, looking back up. "Marinette was my best friend and-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Was?" Alya breathed, narrowing her eyes.

Adrien widened his eyes, his face turning red. He reached forward as to grasp onto the last bit of trust Alya had for him. "No! I mean, she is-"

"Agreste," Alya whispered, stepping back. A look of shock and betrayal washed over her face. "I don't care what you do with your life. But don't you dare hurt my best friend over this nonsense because whether you like it or not, she was the one who never gave up on you. And unfortunately, it looks like you're the one giving up on her."

Adrien was left speechless as he watched Alya turn around and walk away.

He dropped to his knees, holding his stomach and feeling very sick. His eyes watered while remembering the crushed look on Marinette's face when he told her how disappointed he was in her.

Never did he know how much of an impact he had on her.

She was absolutely devastated, all because of him. And that became clearer now.

He didn't know if Louise was using him or not. Honestly, he didn't want to know. But Alya was right.

Marinette had stood by him all those years. She was his best friend for crying out loud. Why in the world would she lie to him?

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