Chapter 11

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Ladybug's life was literally hanging in the balance.

As she dangled from the Eiffel Tower, she wondered how the public would react to this.

There was clearly no trouble in Paris, so citizens and news reporters were asking why Ladybug was alone, clinging to her yoyo as she hung 900 feet up in the air from the Eiffel Tower?

Her mind was whirling; for some reason she couldn't think of a way out of her current situation. She could swing herself over to an observation deck, but she would risk being trampled by the groups of fans that were beginning to form there.

Usually Ladybug always had a plan.

But this time, she didn't.

Anything could've been responsible for her lack of ideas; whether it be because of her current dilemma, which was highly improbable since she has gotten herself out of sticky situations before, or because her mind was still thinking about Adrien

She guessed it was the second reason.

All she could do now was hope Chat Noir would show up before she became too weak to hold on any longer.

The same little girl below on the observation deck held out her arms over the fence, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Ladybug! I'll catch you!"

She looked towards the high pitched voice and smiled warmly. "Thank you, but I'm afraid I'll have to get out of this sticky situation myself!"

The mother pulled her daughter away from the edge and apologized to the superhero. "So sorry! My little Daisy loves you!"

Ladybug felt her grip weaken and she tightened it immediately. "It's alright!"

Next thing Ladybug knew, Alya was pushing her way through the crowd and was at the edge of the deck. "Ladybug! Hang in there, help is on the way!"

People had finally started to realize that Ladybug was in actual danger. The superhero needed saving this time.

"Thank you, Al- uh, young lady!" Ladybug quickly replied.

Alya looked so worried. Her eyes were glued on the superhero, praying that she wouldn't lose her grip on the yoyo string.

News channels were circling up on the ground, many reporters getting out and standing in front of the Eiffel Tower to give their reports.

Ladybug scolded herself. How could she get into such a stupid predicament?

Down below on the ground, Nadja Chamack was giving her report.

"Parisians are startled to see that Ladybug is in danger. For the first time, our beloved superheroine needs saving. Many are asking what caused this to happen in the first place, as well as, where is Chat Noir?"


Adrien walked out of the bowling alley, tears staining his cheeks.

He was hurt and confused that Marinette would think Louise was just using him.

As if the problems with his father wasn't enough.

He quickly wiped the tears away and tried to act neutral before entering his limo. Louise was already sitting inside, waiting for him. She immediately scooted closer to him, placing a comforting hand on his chest.

"What's wrong, babe?" she asked quietly. "Why are you crying?"

He didn't want to get Louise involved with this matter, nor did he want to cause other problems for Marinette by doing so. Even though she confused him and hurt his feelings, he still cared about her.

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