Chapter 5

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Breathe in.


It's all a dream.

The distant voice became strained. "Mademoiselle!"

Breathe out.


The blonde blinked her watery eyes and looked up at her butler as a salty tear escaped and rolled down her cheek.

She didn't answer.

"You have been in your room all day. What is the matter? You've acted strange ever since you came home from the park last night."

Chloe sniffled and looked down, embarrassed at the state she was in. A blubbery, self-pitying, broken, mess. She had never been at such a low point in her life. Her heart had been shattered. Not only did Adrien not like her anymore, but now her very own idol Ladybug did as well.

"I don't want to talk about it," Chloe mumbled softly, hugging her knees. "Go away, please."

"But Mademoiselle, your father is very worried about you," Butler Jean replied.

"I said, go away," Chloe repeated threateningly, making direct eye contact with him.

Butler Jean relented, backing away at her very serious tone. He didn't know what was troubling the girl, but it had to have been something serious. And it wasn't just Adrien this time.

He turned on his heel and calmly walked out of her room.

Chloe waited until he closed the door behind him and proceeded to ball her eyes out for the sixth time that day. Her heart ached. She felt worthless and unloved. And a tiny part of her even felt anger towards herself and her foolish actions.

Ladybug hated her. Adrien hated her. Heck, her mother obviously hated her seeing as she left Chloe when she was a toddler. Her father was busy doing mayor things. Butler Jean didnt understand her troubles. Who did she have left?

Chloe noticed her phone screen light up and stopped sobbing for a brief moment, hoping it was Adrien saying that he wanted to be friends again.

Instead, it was Sabrina. The fourth text from her today.

Chloe growled and picked up her phone. "So annoying!" She was about to click "delete" on the message when her eyes curiously looked over the words.

The text read:

[   12:51 P.M.
Chloe? Did you get my last messages? I'm really worried about you. Please get back to me!   ]

Chloe curiously went through her message history and looked at the very first text Sabrina had sent her that day and went through them from there.

[   11:21 A.M.
Hey Chloe! Ready for the mall today? I know I am! I'll pick you up at 12, kay?   ]

[   12:05 P.M.
Chloe, you there? Are we still going to the mall? I can pick you up?   ]

[   12:37
Hey, where are you??? I'm scared. This isn't like you!   ]

Chloe's eyes watered as she made another revelation. But this time, it was a good one.

Sabrina was her only true friend throughout it all. And Chloe had treated her like a doormat.

Another tear raced down Chloe's cheek as she began typing frantically on her keyboard in response to the messages.

She clicked "send", smiled, and then placed her phone face down on her bed. For the first time in her life, she truly appreciated someone and their presence, other than Adrien and her parents of course. But that was long ago.

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