Chapter 2

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Sabine lowered Marinette onto the couch. "I'll go get you some hot tea."

Marinette lay her head down on a soft pillow and sniffled. "Thanks mom."

Sabine walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the kettle off the stove. She began filling it with water. Then she looked around for the tea bags.

"Shoot, I forgot the tea bags downstairs in the bakery. I'll go get them."

She quickly walked out of the room to fetch the bags, leaving the door wide open.

Marinette closed her eyes and exhaled. Breathe.

Meanwhile, the little akuma fluttered into the living quarters and towards the unsuspecting girl.

Tikki immediately felt the dark presence in the air and nudged Marinette.

I need to remain calm. I could get akumatized, Marinette thought.

Tikki nudged once more from within the bag. The presence grew stronger as the akuma fluttered closer.

Finally, Tikki peeked her head out of the purse and spotted the akuma fluttering right above Marinette's head.

"MARINETTE! AKUMA!" Tikki shrieked.

Marinette's eyes immediately flew open and she rolled out of the couch and onto the floor.

She quickly got to her feet, staring right at the devilish akuma. It began to flutter violently towards her, as if angered, cuing Marinette to sprint out of the room and down the stairs.

Tikki flew along with Marinette, trying to escape the akuma.

Marinette's legs were moving so fast she nearly tripped. "I can't believe I almost got akumatized!" she yelled.

"This isn't over yet!" a worried Tikki replied.

Marinette raced past her mother, who stopped and yelled. "Where are you going?!"

"For a run!" Marinette cleverly yelled back as she ran out of the bakery. She stopped in the middle of the street and glanced behind her.

The akuma was still on her tail. Those things were fast!

"Why is it still following me?!" Marinette whimpered. "I'm not sad anymore!"

"You must be, otherwise it would fly back to Hawkmoth!" Tikki replied. She then turned to her left and the kwami's big blue eyes grew even bigger.

A car laid on its horn as it came racing towards Marinette. The person driving stepped down on the brakes but it wasn't going to be enough to stop without hitting Marinette first.

Marinette looked towards the car and time slowed down. Her life flashed before her eyes.

She saw her parents first. Her dad was noticeably thinner and clean shaven. Her mom looked the same; a bright smile and hopeful eyes. They were both smiling proudly in front of the bakery. It was the day it first opened. Marinette was a little girl then.

She saw herself as a toddler. Chubby cheeks and curly raven-colored hair. A girl who aspired to change the world and make a difference. Now look at her. She was Ladybug; protector and hero of Paris.

And yet, she was about to get hit by a car. How ironic.

I'm Ladybug. These people need me.

Marinette narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists. I'm not dying yet. She quickly jumped to the right, just dodging the vehicle, and barrel rolled onto the sidewalk.

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