Chapter 1

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Ladybug would be lying if she said she wasn't the least bit concerned the first time Chat Noir made it through an entire night of patrol without trying to seduce her with his terrible puns.

It was like routine to Ladybug, so when he didn't flirt with her, she knew something was up.

But, she let it slide that first time.

She didn't say anything until the fourth time they had patrol together and he didn't make a pun at all. Nor bat his eyes at her in a flirtatious motion. What was up with him?

"Hey, everything alright?" Ladybug asked her partner, who was sitting beside her on the corner of the school rooftop, overlooking a magnificent sunset.

Chat peered over at her, blinking in surprise. "Uh, yeah, why?"

"I don't know, you've just seemed... off these last few patrols," Ladybug shrugged.

Chat gulped and understood why she was thinking this way. Still, he put on his best confused expression and tilted his head, "Why would mew think that?"

"Now you say the puns," she mumbled, shaking her head with a smile on her face. "You're not telling me the complete truth, Chat. You know why I'm thrown off."

He winced; he shouldn't have lied to her. She hates liars. And the fact that he just lied to her isn't going to make his next confession any easier...

When he didn't respond, Ladybug leaned in closer to him. "The flirting? How come it stopped all of a sudden? I know the disappointment sounds ridiculous coming from my end, but it's just not like you to act, I don't know, normal?"

"Fine," Chat exhaled. He really didn't want to tell her, but it was going to come out anyways. "I'm dating someone."

Ladybug widened her eyes. Oh. Oh.

"Well, that's a very valid reason for not flirting with me anymore," she laughed.

Chat scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It just didn't feel right to do so."

"I understand. I'm happy for you, Chat."

"Thanks, LB," Chat replied.

Ladybug winked and pointed a finger gun at him. "I'll still be your Lady though, right?"

He chuckled, "Of course."

They both stood up and exchanged friendly hugs.

As much as she hated to admit it, she was really going to miss Chat's ridiculous attempts at trying to win her affection. But at least he was with someone who could reciprocate his love.

And by all means, that's all she ever wanted for Chat once she realized she could only ever love Adrien.


At school the next day, Marinette was chipper than ever. Even though Chat was no longer attracted to her alter ego and had no idea of her civilian identity, she felt free for some reason.

The mental battle of loving Adrien but also turning down the love of Chat Noir ate away at her and caused her guilt. But now that Chat had a girlfriend, she didn't have to worry about that anymore. She could love Adrien without feeling any remorse.

At least, that's what she thought until she walked into school that day.

Alya had alerted her to the terrible news as soon as she walked through the doors of the school.

"Girl! You won't believe this," Alya cried, racing up to the raven haired girl. She whipped out her trusty phone which displayed the profile page of a female French model by the name of Louise. She had luscious brown hair, aqua blue eyes, and a pristine figure.

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