Shuichi Saihara Hugs Hcs

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Shuichi Saihara

- It takes Shuichi a while to even get used to hugs without fainting from the contact of another human being. 

- But once he gets used to hugs, it becomes his new favourite thing. 

- The feeling of protection from having your arms around him, having you close to him, the calm vibe hugging you gives off. 

- Though Shuichi would never say, he loves it when you surprise him with a hug. Sure he'll jump from the sudden contact but he loves it! 

- There is no downside to hugging, having a bad day? Hugs! Bored? Find s/o can hug them! 

- Yeah, it takes him a while to get used to hugs, but once he does it will become routine to hug you. 

- ''Umm s/o, is it okay... if I hug you?'' This poor blushing boy is trying so hard not to overheat ''Awe of course Shuichi!'' 

- He'll usually when hugging you, having his head resting onto top of your head, and have his hands around your waist. 

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