~Ethereal 16~

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Prodigy's Pov


I walked out my room in just my leotard.  I ripped it so it's two piece and then the sleeves to fabric was on my wrist, but not my arms.  I changed the shoes into black leather boots.  My hair was now cut, level to my chin. 

I turned to see Chresanto and India out their rooms in their new attire.  India in gray, a bra top and ripped up shorts with heels that could kill. Chresanto's outfit now black and no longer a stupid grin on his face.  Only a nice snarl.  

We all walked in the kitchen and started to make breakfast.  The boys including Mac will be in for a huge meal, just for them.


Ray's Pov


"Man what's that damn smell?" Prince muttered as we all went through the hall to the front.  "FOOD!" Mac yelled as set out a gourmet meal of breakfast sat out.  We all raced for it and then something odd happened as I ate.  Prodigy came out and my mouth fell down. 

The drool poured from my mouth and he just kissed me, so very intensely I couldn't breathe.  I started to slam my hands on the table as he groomed through my hair and kissed me forever.  He slowly pulled away and I panted and turned back to my breakfast.  I blinked to rid the spots from my eyes and woofed down the food.

I looked over to see Chresanto feed Princeton.  "You wearing black today."Prince mentioned.  Chresanto bit his lip giving Prince a very sensual look.  "I wanted to look extra naughty today." Chres hummed.  Princeton's eyes fluttered and looked at Chresanto in awe.

"Yo bruh, get - never mind.  Hey India how beautiful can you look?" Mac asked in a daze after India kissed her cheek.  "I could do better."India whispered getting into Mac's lap.  The postion very steamy and Mac cleared her throat and proceeded to eat glancing at a curious India.

I finished my food and so have the other two.  India took the plates and put them away.  As I stood Prodigy pinned me on the wall.  Our eyes level.  "Let's go into your bedroom."I hear Chresanto cackle at Princeton.  The poor dude nodded pale as a corspe and followed Chresanto to his bedroom.  

India stayed rubbing Mac as she played a video game.  "Tell me Mac.  What do you suppose my lips taste like?" India asked Mac.  "I don-" "Taste for yourself." India whispered and kissed Mac. Mac failed her arms in a protest, but then they stopped.  

I stared at Prodigy.  In those beautiful gold eyes.  I was quite nervous though, I was pinned against the wall and he stared at me constently.  "Have we ever made out?" Prodigy growled at me and I tinted pink in the cheeks.  "No."I laughed alil and was cut short as I felt hands go into my shirt and lips fall on mine. 

Mmm fuck this feels good.


Chresanto's Pov


I snuck my hand in Prince's pocket pulling out a hard drive.  "What are you doing?" Prince panted taking the hard drive back.

"I just wanted some info.  I knew you wouldn't give it willingly." I answered and he gave me a wary look. My eyes flicked red and he sat up rushing to redo himself. 

"They're imposters!" He screamed running.  I flew after him and he grabbed Mac and Ray.  "What do you mean?" Mac asked with lipstick all on her face. 

We all flew and stood in front of us.  I started to cry fake tears and sniffled.  "Don't you love me!?" I cried.

"Don't you love me?" Prod and India echoed as their heads tilted and the cruelest of smirks came on there lips and their eyes became red.

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