~Ethereal 4~

605 29 2

Ray's Pov


Prince, Mac, and I stood in a jewelry store.  

"Oh dear god!" A man gasped once he saw us.  

"Well excuse you too."Mac snapped. 

"Uh...Uhhh...Reva! Come help these..gentlemen.." The man said eyeing me and Mac clearly confused of our gender.

"I do have breasts ya know!" Mac yelled.

We both laughed as a woman walked over.  "What may I help you with?" She asked.  

"I want to get a certain someone a Valentine's necklace. But like a necklace that says we are someting, well I want us to be..." I said.

"A diamond-"

"Not his style. Maybe sliver..."I said.

She took out all different heart necklaces, but none were good...

I turned necklace, after necklace down. 

"How about making one?" Prince asked.

"YES!" I exclaimed and rapidly made a necklace drawing and handed it to her,"Is that possible?" I asked.  

"Of course honey." She said before she went I yelled,"Make it a locket! Pleaseeee." She laughed and nodded and went on back.

"Yes!" I cheered.  


It was hours before Valentine's day.  I rushed to the jewelry store and got the necklace.  "Prefect.." I whispered and then went off to get everythign else.


Prod's Pov


"Where's Ray Ray?" I growled coming in the front where everyone was.

"We don't know." Chresanto shrugged.

"He made you breakfast though!  Bacon, pancakes, and herbal tea.  We all know you love herbal tea." Mac said.

I blushed seeing the hot food sitting there for me and to think I was going to yell at him for turning my underwear purple.  I floated over and sat down and started eating.

"Happy Valentine's Day!"  Ray burst into the room with flowers, ballons, cake, chocolate, and a teddy bear! He even held a small box.  

"EEEEE!" Chresanto squealed.

"None of this is for you so sit yo happy ass down." Ray shut Chres down fast.

Chres rolled his eyes and huffed.  He did get alot from Princeton though.  

"Here Prodigy."Ray said handing me the teddy bear and the chocolates.  I blushed as he tied put the ballons next to me and put the cake down.

"Why did you do this?" I asked looking up at him.

"Well everyone's got something or someone so...I wanted to do something nice for you.  One of those days where I won't leave you alone."  He laughed and I smiled to myself.

don't ever leave me....

I avoided that thought and looked at the box in his hands.  "What's that?" I asked.

"This is the best! Here." He said giving it to me.

I opened it and there it was a sliver necklace.  Prodigy made on top a ruby heart under Prodigy and then Ray Ray made under.  A gold frame made around it like a heart and opened it.  A picture of Ray Ray and I on the roof of our home.  I remember how much I refused.


"Oh come on! We won't be young forever! Take the picture with me."  Ray said.  

No one was around. Everyone was inside, it was the dead of winter.  A few days before Christmas.  

"No." I hissed.

His arm got around me and I gasped at how warm he was.  His warmth pulled me in.  "Take the picture with me." He still insisted. 

"Fine."I huffed.

Ray did his annoying laugh and held the camera up.  I looked up, my head in his chest.  I put on a small smile and he has a huge smile on his face and he took the picture.  

"See that didn't kill you."

"Show anyone and I'll kill you."

-End of flashback-

He made it the background for the emergency computers, Mac's stuff, everything.  I smiled alil,"I love it...." 

"Can I put it on you?" Ray asked me, inches from my face.  I nodded giving him the beautiful necklace.  He got behind me and slowly draped it around my neck.  I put my fingers over it as he let go after hooking it.

"WOOOOOOO!" Mac cheered from the couch already eating a piece of the cake.

"I-It looks nice." Ray smiled and rubbed his neck with a laugh.

"Oh joy! We should go to this sandy place, a b-bitch?" Chresanto asked.

We all laughed and I shook my head no,"A beach."Prince said.

"Y'all go on. Got me a lady friend I'm going to see." Mac said.

"Aye!"Ray yelled and I cringed. "Sorry." He chuckled nervously.  "It's okay." I said softly.

Mac waved bye to us and went down to the car and drove off.  

"I don't have a swimsuit." I whispered.

"You can use the one I bought you.  Since I knew you'd say that. 2 pieces! Since you wanna be covered." Chres rambled pushing me along. 


The beeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccchhhh or as Chres calls it the bitch.



that was sweet of Ray..wasn't it?


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