~Ethereal 15~

419 30 6

India's Pov


I watched as Ray bugged Prodigy.  A smile on the lips of Prodigy, a smile unnoticeable smile unless you looked carefully.  I could see the love between them and I loathed every bit of it.  Ray should be swoon over me, not him.  I am just Prodigy, but not a spawn of demons and mortal.  I am a spawn of a witch and a fallen angel.  

Ray looked over at me and I pointed my nose up and I felt Prodigy's golden eyes pierce into me, the intense stare of him left me as I saw Prodigy get up and go to the floor and the levitate and meditate.  Ray followed him and turned into a kitten and pounced into the lap of Prodigy.  Prodigy pet the small shapeshifter and an audible purr came from Ray Ray.

"The love from the two is strange, but powerful isn't it friend India?" The naive Sheman alien said to me.  I nodded a grimace painting my lips.

"Why do you where the frown?" Chresanto pestered on.

"Must they be so public? You and Princeton don't ever show public affection.  So why do they?" I asked.  

Chresanto looked down.  His face crestfallen.  I turned to him and gave him an odd look.  His voice whispered out almost incoherent,"They aren't ashamed of what they have.  Prince he doesn't want to be public because he is afraid..." I nodded knowingly.  "I would think it's be the other way around.  Prodigy and Ray Ray so different.  A demon and..and well an animal...a beast even if we must say.  But you and Princeton look and seem normal.  He a human you an alien.  You two both look human and mostly you are...on the outside, but inside you have what 10 stomachs?" I asked and he nodded.  "The love the same though." I smiled and he nodded.  

Chresanto lifted his head, the smile plastered right back on that pretty face.  I see why people swoo over him.  I looked back at Prodigy who was laughing as Ray was licking his face as a puppy.  Who swoos over that? 

"Is the jealousy in the eyes?" Chresanto asked me.  I gasped and shook my head.  "No."I growled and Chresanto shrugged.

"Hey beautiful." Princeton walked over.

Time for me to exit.  I got up and gave a nod to them both and then went into my spacious room.   I pulled out my spell book.  

Time to figure this Double R and Prodigy mess out.  India's getting back in the picture.


Prodigy's Pov


A knock sounded on the door.  Princeton ran to get it.  At the moment I was learning how to play video games.  As I was beating Ray Ray, India came back in and so followed a little old woman and Prince behind. 

"Oh hello Mindless Team!  I brought gifts for you brave and noble children." She said and we all beamed at her and she put down a basket and we surrounded her. She smelt of sweet desserts.  

"What is your name, nice woman who gives us treats?" Chresanto asked. 

The old woman patted Chresanto's arm soothingly and motherly.  "Some call me Jocelyn, others call me Josie."  She said.  We beamed at her.

"Hi Josie." We all said.

"Well I'm Princeton." Prince greeted himself.  "I'm Chresanto, Miss Josie." Chresanto smiled.  "India, ma'am."  India batted her eyes and Josie flattered and patted her cheek in greetings.  "I'm Mac." Mac said and Josie raised an eyebrow,"Real name is Makayla." Mac mumbled and Josie smiled in approval and then looked at Ray. "Ray Ray." He said and she nodded and then turned to me and firmly took my elbows in her bony hands.  "Nice to make your acquaintance.  I am Prodigy." I said wishing to make her approve of me.  She nodded slowly and then took out cupcakes.  

We all reached and she slapped our hands. "I give you the one I give you and I give you the drink I give you.  No sharing." She said with a firm voice we all nodded.

She handed the cupcakes out and the drinks to us.  I went and sat besside Ray who gobbeled his food down.  I looked at the vial of drink.  A light gold tinted.  I smiled as I ate with grace and then drank all my drink.  

"Well I should get going." Josie said and we all smiled and waved goodbye. 

I stood and rubbed my eyes.  "Must go to bed." I groaned even if it was just 7 in the afternoon.  I walked my way to bed and fell in, I felt different....

In a good and bad way.


Chresanto's Pov


I rose from my spot with a yawn.  I smacked my lips and nodded. "I too will do the bidding of sleep." I said and kissed Princeton's cheek and floated to my room and falling out in my bed.

I felt a difference happening inside me...

I don't know if I like it.


India's Pov


I gave the boys and Mac a weary look.  "I'm sleepy as well.  I will go and hit the haysack.  You guys should go bond.  We're all sleep so what you got to do huh?" I asked with a laugh and hugged them each a goodnight and went off to my room.  My bed beckoned to me and I took no time of changing, I obeyed my bed.

A strange feeling came upon me...

Good or bad? I don't know.

Did I like it? I don't know.

Tomorrow may be....weird.


Josie's Pov


I cackled.  I put a spell on the most powerful and the most feminie in the group.  Tomorrow will bed a day for the Mindless Team.  Three infected with my serum. 

This will be very interesting.


Can't even trust old women now a days.

That's sad bruh.

So what y'all think the serum will do to them?


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