Reflection Inspection {Susanna}

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I look at my reflection in the mirror and sigh, "Am I just now... seeing this..?" I put my hand up to my cheek and then reach up to my hair before dropping it back to my side, "Maybe going out tonight isn't such a good idea..."

Sherlock surprised me with a reservation at Ritz's tonight. We haven't been there since before William was born and haven't had any dates out and away from our dear baby boy- let alone a night out. I was thrilled when he told me he'd gotten our favorite table reserved for us so we could go out dancing. But now... I don't know if I want to go anymore. I look like a hot mess!

I exhale and tuck a frazzled piece of hair behind my ear, "When was the last time I got my hair trimmed?" It's not horrid, but it's definitely not as well kept as it was almost six months ago. I look over my reflection again, "I still look puffy too... and William might not be ready to be left alone with John and Molly anyways-"

"Love, our reservation is in ninety minutes!" Sherlock calls from outside the bathroom. I flinch. Whatever pregnancy glow I had, it's definitely not here anymore. I just look exhausted and... Icky..? Gross? I know very well that I shouldn't be criticizing myself over my postpartum appearance but I can't help it. I'm not a vain woman, but it isn't wrong to want to feel pretty when going out, right? "Susanna? Did you hear me?"

"Er, yes, Darling!" I reply, but my muscles seem to lock up and I can't move. It's not like you could clean up very well. I sigh again and feel myself wilt, "Can I even get ready in ninety minutes now?" I whisper and lower my eyes from the mirror, bending over and leaning onto the counter, burying my face in my arms. Why am I feeling like this all of a sudden? Why couldn't Sherlock have asked me before getting those reservations?

I don't know how long I stand there but eventually the bathroom door opens, "If we're going to make the reservation, you should probably have started your shower by now... Are you alright, Love?" I take a deep breath but don't reply, "Susanna?"

"Maybe you should cancel the reservations, Sherlock..."


I stand up but don't face him, "I don't think I can get ready in time."

"I don't see how you couldn't."

"Sherlock, I just- I just don't feel like I can get myself put together enough to where I'll look acceptable enough to go out to Ritz's."

I feel his hand gently grasp my forearm and he turns me around to face him. With his other hand he lifts my chin, elevating my gaze, "Love, you are in no way incapable of dressing up in eighty minutes."

"Sherlock, look at me! I look-" I turn my head to the mirror and gesture emphatically, "I look icky and tired and-"

"You don't."

"... You're just... you're just saying that."

"I am not one for flattery, Susanna. Almost two years of marriage and you think I'd lie about your physical appearance?"

"Then how would you describe me? My hair has split ends and is practically greasy, my skin is dry, and I just look all around like a mess! A gross, grungy-"



"Beautiful, Susanna. You asked me how I would describe you. The only word I find applicable is Beautiful," He cups my face, "You forget, beauty is more than the shallow exterior most others see. You may not feel like it, but you are Beautiful."


"You may not look or feel your absolute best at the moment, I concede that, but you are certainly not any of those words you used. All I see that you might require is an extra bit of attention," He smiles and strokes my cheeks before kissing each of them, "I made the reservations because we needed time alone as husband and wife. I do believe they'd allow a delay of the time so that I can pamper you."

"P-Pamper me?.. You?"

"You haven't had a proper pampering in months and that, I deduce, is contributing to your mood. Now, I will phone Ritz's while you go ahead and start your shower. I'll be back in a few minutes." I smile and he kisses me deeply before stepping out again.

Thank you for reading!!

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