The Offer {Susanna}

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Two Weeks Later

I jump up from the sofa and pace into the kitchen again. I've been waiting for a call from Loman-Bullard and haven't heard so much as a peep from them. Their silence is driving me insane! I somewhat roughly open the refrigerator and retrieve the carton of orange juice, "That isn't Orange Juice, Susanna."

I set it back down and look at my husband who is staring into his microscope, "Then what is it?"

"Liquidized eggs that may have been drugged and used in the abduction case I am currently solving."

"But wouldn't the drug burn off during cooking?" He freezes and then sits up, "Sorry."

"Do you think the drug would burn off when the liquidized egg yolks were cooked?"

"Well, heat tends to purify things. I'm not sure what heat would do to the drug itself but in many dishes, imperfections or bacteria are eliminated when the food is cooked. But there are drugs where heat augments the effects, so it could be the other way around."

He stares at me and I turn back to the fridge to find something else, "How have you not gotten that position with Loman-Bullard? If you can come up with that you should have gotten the job when you interviewed."

"It's possible they found someone more qualified for the job. In that case, kudos to them."

"So you'll give up and move along?"

I shrug and retrieve leftover alfredo from last night, "Better than moping about it. There are other jobs," I hear him pulling out his phone and tsk, "Sherlock, don't even think about it."

"About what?"

"Using Mycroft to get me a job. I am doing this on my own. No intervention from anyone."


"Sherlock, No."

He desperately wants to ignore me and carry out his mission but after a minute he puts his phone away, "Very well."

"Thank you, darling," I set the alfredo in the microwave to warm up and then walk over to him, "I appreciate your efforts, Sherlock."

This perks Sherlock up. I stand behind him and wrap my arms loosely around his neck, kissing his temple. He exhales, "I will have to evaluate your point."

"Mmm... about the drugs?"

"What other point would I evaluate?" He grabs one arm and pulls me around, "Are you certain you don't at least want to know if the company hired someone else?"

"I'm certain."

The microwave beeps and I peck his cheek before grabbing the now warmed alfredo. I get a fork and stand to the side to eat it whilst Sherlock retrieves the orange carton of liquid eggs and sets about testing them. I am also there to make sure he doesn't burn the poor eggs, or for that matter anything else, since the kitchen had to be completely redone after the gas pipe detonator attack and I don't want to have to go through that again.

Half an hour later my phone rings and I set my plate and fork in the sink before walking into the bedroom and grabbing my phone. Must be Brooklyn.

But it isn't. It's Loman-Bullard. I answer the call, "Hello?"

"Am I speaking to Missus Susanna Holmes?"


"This is Doctor Maclaine. Sorry that it took me so long to call you back."

"Oh it's no problem."

"I am calling to make you an offer." I almost start dancing around the room.


"Yes. We have thoroughly reviewed your qualifications and selected you as the best candidate for the job. If convenient, I would like to have you come by tomorrow to begin your entry process."

"Of course. That's fine. What time?"

"Six AM."

"I will be there."

"Excellent. Congratulations on being hired, Missus Holmes."

"Thank you for your consideration, Doctor Maclaine," He gives me a rundown for tomorrow and then lets me go. As soon as it's over I toss my phone into the bed and fall into it face first, "Yes!! Yes!!" I stretch my arms out triumphantly.

"Good news?" I hear Sherlock inquire a few moments later. I roll over and jump off the bed.

"I got the job!"

"Naturally. They would have been true idiots otherwise," He embraces me, "Congratulations, Love."

"Thanks, Darling."

Thank you for reading!!

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