Chapter Six

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"Miss Prince would you enlighten us with your essay...Up front...Now"

Mister Van Rensburg impatiently slammed his fingers on his desk. I was not paying attention as usual. If I paid more attention I would probably have better grades. Mister Van Rensburg was in his early forties. He was originally from Germany. I have no idea what made him decide to come to South Africa. He talked with a strange accent. He was built like one of those wrestlers I saw on WWE and he was sometimes considered impolite.

This time it was not my fault that I got distracted, it was all his. You do not give someone like me the task of writing a letter to someone anonymous. I do it in anyway when I wrote in my journal. I will however not admit to anyone else that I actually own a journal because it will most likely give them ammunition to use it against me. I have watched way too many movies with that cliché theme.

We were busy reading "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky this semester. It is about this teenage boy who writes letters about his life to this person who he does not really know. In return this person does not know who he is.

That was why I actually find it really senseless to expect as to read our supposed private letters aloud. The whole point of the letters in the first place is to have anonymity.

Most of the kids in the class made a big joke out of it and they ended up writing about their pet turtle Leonardo, which was actually against the law, or about their visit to the hair salon, but not me. I had no idea why, but I decided to be honest.

Figures I would choose a public platform to decide that I wanted to be honest.

"To whom it may concern

I feel like I am forced to trust you.

How about we make a deal?

I will not tell anyone about anything you tell me in the future and you do the same with what I am about to tell you?

That is if we continue to write after this."

The kids kept throwing me with paper distracting me until Mister Van Rensburg threatened them with detention. Whenever he gave someone detention it usually meant that you would have to scrape old gum off of tables and desks.

"What I am about to tell you, I have not told anyone else. I trust that you will keep it a secret and not go tell everyone else, like some other people might and have done in the past.

I guess I should start by saying that the person I thought was my best friend is now one of my former best friends. You could call her an enemy. We no longer talk and the secrets we once shared are now nothing more than ashes in the wind.

I had a boyfriend. He ditched me for one of my other former friends.

It is strange how words like "I love you" can become meaningless once it has been used one too many times. You see this ex has a habit of saying those words to get what he wants. If the person does not give it or maybe they have given it, then he moves on.

Sort of like a fly who smells a new piece of you know what."

While I read the letter both Ashley and Christina made comments under their breathe like;




It is kind of sad that I am used to all of their comments. It did not however mean that they did not hurt. Sometimes I just wished that everyone would leave me alone.

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