Chapter 7: I just want to be alone

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Hey guys Its me. I am so sory for the wait, but here is the next chapter. Please enjoy, also I am having trouble writeing this story and keeping it going, AKA major writer's block. So if anyone wants to help contribute to this story just message me and I will try to add in your Idea!

The votes are in and they are:


Sooo Percy and Piper it is!!

Chapter 7: Omega/Percy Pov

        As my knees buckled beneath me a pair of warm arms pulled me in towards their chest, catching me. I look up and unexpectedly see my father, Chaos, holding me up. I look at him greatfully as I try to stand myself, I soon got to my feet thanks to my father. When I am able to hold my weight he lets go and looks at me worried.

        "I'm fine okay, nothing to be worried about," I resurred him before looking at the now gathered group of campers around my bed. A million different emotions fight their way into my head, anger, sadness, pain, hatred, regret, and sorrow.

       "If you will all go back to your normal activates that would be very much appreciated, as I need to talk to my son in private for a moment, " Chaos says to all of the unwanted visitors in the small infirmary before I can say anything.

        Silence falls through out the room, letting what my father had said sink in. The silence is soon replaced with curious whispers. I catch some of them, but most were, 'What does he mean by son?' and 'I thought Poseidon was his father.'

        Soon the curious campers filed out of the infirmary, a little too slow for my liking anyway. Alpha, Delta, and my father were the only people besides myself left in the room. Each if them looked at me, concern shining in their eyes. I let out a long sigh before looking away.

        "So, father, what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" I asked impatiently. Questions soared through my thoughts wondering why he was here, had I done somthing wrong? Why are Alpha and Delta here?


       "Omega, you have been training yourself too hard, pushing yourself past the limit, and your body isn't reacting well to it. Also, I have noticed you are slowly pushing everyone away, building up impenetrable walls between us,  your warriors and myself included, why? Have we done somthing to upset you or is there somthing keeping you from trusting us?" My father replied.

      I suddenly found myself thinking my shoes were more interesting than our conversation.  I didn't dare look my father in the eyes, I didnt know what to say. I just want to be left alone to sit and think, I know the ADHD, dyslexic heir to the throne wanted to be left alone to sulk and think, but hear me out, I just am tired of everyone asking me constantly if I am okay. Of couse I'm not okay, I get to go see my ex girlfriend and ex best friend still enjoying each others 'company' meanwhile I have to save the 'almighty' Gods and the retched camp full of their spawns. I have constant nightmares and night terror's each night. To be completely honest I'm afraid that I will fail my friends and they will leave me because I'm not good enough, of course I wouldn't tell my father or warriors that, I need to stay a focused determined leader. I can't let them think I'm weak just because I have to see an ex girlfriend, I need to stay head strong and keep my emotions bottled up per usual.

       I felt somthing wet drip down my cheek, a lone tear had escaped my left eye. I quickly wiped it away hoping it would go unnoticed, and of course it did.

      "I'm sorry, but I need to go." I said quickly before pushing through my two best friends and running as far as my feet would carry me.

       I ran into a near by forest going deeper and deeper into the everlasting shrubbery. I slowed into a walk and looked around at my surroundings. A quiet breeze blew through my hair bringing the scent of pine trees into the air. The warm air surrounded me like a comferting blanket, I let out a deep sigh, releasing it slowly savering this moment.

      I soon found an old oak tree that seemed to streach to Olympus. I silently sat at its base under the canopy. Leaning back on the old wood I placed my head back onto the tree, looking at the sunlight that was dripping through the branches of the tree. This was some of my favorite weather, everything was perfect untill I heard the sound of a branch snapping.

Okay, I feel as if that was one of my longest chapters, I am surprisingly proud of this chapter! Its not edited because I promised some of yall a chapter by today and I was running out of time, sorry but Im a major procrastinator! Anyway Thank you for all of the votes and comments! My request still stands! Please let me know If you have any Ideas and I will try to add them in! It doesnt have to be a whole chapter but a small paragraph explaining what you would like, go ahead and write as much as you wish I wouldnt mind! Anyway I will see you guys later!!!

~The Story Is Not Over Untill There Is A Happy Ending~ (Except for Allegiant!)

-Payton <3


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