Chapter 13: Hello There

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Hilo guys, so sorry about my absence! I have started at a new school, it's a charter school (blah) and it is VERY academic heavy. I am in all Pre-Ap classes (Yay I'm a freshmen.. Props to all of my readers who have been here since I started in sixth grade!) and am taking a collage class. Long story short I am EXTREMELY busy! Thank you all for your patience! (;

I actually took the first few paragraphs of an original story and changed them to match this one in the last chapter, that's where the Unknown POV came from and apparently you guys liked it!

Okay, so the Anime was Owari No Seraph or Seraph of the End... Congratulations to: @Shade_Of_The_Night

I actually wasn't planning to add in an OC but Meh it happened so I'll roll with it.

One last thing, I know I know, Ya'll can bash me in the comments if you want, but I want you to know that I read every single one of your comments; they mean the world to me!

Enjoy! :3

Chapter 13: Unknown POV (Ya'll liked it so here you go!)

Perseus Jackson, now known as Omega son of Chaos, ruler of the universe. Once a demigod son of Poseidon he fought in both Giant wars and was regarded a hero in even Olympus. Soon he was betrayed, his girlfriend, daughter of Athena Annabeth Chase, cheated on him with the son of Jupiter and the Olympians blamed and attempted to execute, him for his mother's and stepfather's deaths. He believes I committed said crime, I do not blame him the circumstances certainly seemed that way, but I did not kill his family.

Me, I am a lowly pawn in the primordials games. I do their bidding and receive nothing in return. Why you may ask? The answer is simple, I work for a false sense of freedom. I am able to roam free, walk about the world and live a somewhat normal life until I am called upon, but I know this is wrong. I feel their eyes on me constantly like daggers sitting await, ready to pierce my throat. Thus my false freedom, but I can't turn it down, the idea is too attractive. It's killed or be killed as cliche as that is.

I wish Perseus Jackson no ill intent, I actually would love to fight alongside him, to know the legend. It's too bad we had to meet under such circumstances, but the past is the past and I must make use of it.

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