Chapter 4: I Lose my cool

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          Hey guys!! Sooo sorry for not writing and stuff..... But anyway how was yall's Valentine's Day?? My little sister got a stuffed giraffe from her boyfriend!!  Im so jealous!!  So any way on with the story.

      Chapter  4 Omegas POV

        I have been fearing this day since my escape from this horrid planet, having to confront my past, driving me back into my deep dark depression. Everyday since I was rescued I hid my emotions and bottled them up inside and now that I was back, the pain was just to much. I tried to keep holding them  back and to not let them show, but I knew I was going to break sometime I just didn't think it would be today.

        As we entered the camp I could sence every one of my warriors sharp eyes pearcing into my back, like they knew what was going on in my head. I continued to walk, wanting to just keep everyone and everything out of my mind.

    I continued to ignore their stares untill I gave into my curiosity and turned to my warriors, then asked, "What?" I demanded, trying to keep my cool. Nova bit his lip, I could only see the bottom of his face. I looked around, all of them were trying to avoid my question, but finally Alpha gained the courage to answer, which I thought was weird since he was usually quiet and talked when needed.

       "It's nothing Omega we're all just worried about you, you can't keep everything to yourself, you need to vent or else you'll just explode. We want to help you Perc-," I stopped him, having heard enough. I was allready annoyed with those ignorant campers and Gods  now my own family.

        "I am Omega, and am no longer Perseus, he died a long time ago. I am also commander so I can deal with my problems as I please. You are warrior and you are not able to tell me what to do," I replied coldly.

        He looked at me for a moment trying to conjure up his next words, chooseing wisely. He waited a moment before answering sternly, "Yes but I am your brother, your best friend and Im just trying to help you. We all know what your g-,"

        " You don't  have the slightest clue what im going through Alpha and I am fully capable of dealing with my problems on my own!" I replied angerly, trying to hold down my temper. Over the years I may have developed a slight temper, maybe just a small one.

        Alpha held his ground, but his anger was also rising. We probably would have had a full out screaming match if Delta hadn't have have steped in. She looked at me sadly, her electric blue eyes shined in the sunlight, a frown grew on her normally smiling face, "Oh c'mon you know he didn't mean it like that. We can help you with your problems, all we want is the old Percy back," she said the last part only above a whisper, not wanting me to hear it, but thanks to my amazing hearing I did.

      "You know what, the "Old Percy" died in a deep depression  because of your brother and that spawn of Athena. I am finished talking about this, warriors please go set up camp while I go and clear my thoughts" I said harshly, before I stormed off not looking back once.

       I walked to the only place I could think, after all these years away it was still near the water. I looked down at the current, hoping it would calm me. The water was no longer a beautiful green-blue , but it was now a sick gray with a small tint of light blue. I tried to fight the urge to go into the water, but it was to strong. Immediately when I touched it the color returned and became alive with small currents reaching toward the shore. I recoiled immediately, fearing  the consequences of my actions.

       I suddenly felt a warm breeze of salty sea air, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I knew this only ment one thing that Poseidon had arrived, thinking his son had finally come home.

(I wanted to end it so bad here but I owe you guys since I havent updated in forever )

        "Percy?" I heard the god of the sea whisper hopefully.  I turned to face him, he looked at me shocked, "Oh sorry Omega I thought my son summoned me, I apologize for interupting you." He was about to leave when I decided to ask him a question.

         "Lord Poseidon If your son had returned what would you say to him?" I asked nervously. He staired at me for a moment trying to recover from my question.

        "I would tell him how sorry I am for thinking he had killed his mother and step father. That daughter of Athena told me he had, and I was so sure she was right I never considered his fatal flaw. I wish he was here nothing has been the same without him. That son of Jupiter has been walking around like he was better than everyone, and it just eats me up inside every time I see him, Percy never did that because thats just who he is, or I mean was. I just miss him horribly," He replied with so much guilt and regret in his voice I wanted to comfort him, but I stood my ground.

         I held back the urge to smile, but then I felt something brewing inside of me, quickly becoming bigger. Then a large pain started to grow in the pit of my stomach and soon consumed me. I groaned as I tried to hold my ground, but failed. My knees soon buckled and I fell to the ground. I felt my consciousness begin to flee and the warm hand of unconsciousness begain to grab me. My vision was slowly becoming darker as I heard Poseidon yell, "Apollo! Apollo!"

        I tried to lift my head, but it felt like lead. I fought my hardest, but it wasn't enough. I was soon consumed with darkness. The last thing I saw was a flash of light and I could feel my hood being pulled down, I didn't care I was already gone, and my worst nightmares begain to replay in my mind.

OMG GUYS I AM SO PROUD OF THIS CHAPTER!! I think it was my longest yet! Anyway sorry for not updating and stuff but I couldnt help it. On another note, OMFG FREEKING 1.5K READS AND 76 VOTES!?!?!? And that was when I checked it 2 weeks ago!! Thanks everyone, now im ganna hit the hay! Night!

~~The Story Is Not Over Untill There Is A Happy Ending~~

-Payton <3

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