Chapter 14: Chocolate Milk, Backwash, and Saliva

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Hiya guys!!!!! Sooooooooooooo woooooo 3/4 done with my year as a freshman and I got all A's!!!!! So, schools going well, but I can't exactly say the same for my family life... My dad has been in and out of the hosptial for the past few months and is not doing well. I am currently attending therapy for my sanity XD. I was hoping to update sooner, but really didn't have the time to. Sorry!

Anyways, Chapter 14... So I kinda don't plan my stories and kinda just go with what comes to me so if this is crap sorry!!!


"While I was still in camp she and Paul were killed by some guy," I paused.

No way, No freaking way.

I jumped to my feet startling Allagi.

"W-what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

"That man, the one from my dreams, is the man who killed my mother,"

Chapter 14: Omega's POV

"You're certain?" Allagi questioned, "Accusing someone of committing murder is not exactly a nice thing to do without proof."

"You don't believe me?" I snapped back.

"No. It's not that," she responded her eyes and heart heavy.

"Then what the Hades is it?" I inquired raising my voice.

"Did you see him?" She spoke blankly, not missing a beat. Her gaze met mine in an excruciating moment.

Blood roared in my ears as I responded, "Did I see him? I walked in on him leaning over them! The walls were coated with blood. His hands were stained with it! I may as well have seen the sl-" I pause, my voice shaking, "the slaughter."

She laid a comforting hand on my shoulder. I couldn't keep her gaze, my eyes burned with unshed tears from centuries ago.

She lifted her hand to my cheek and gently pushed it so my gaze met hers. "I am not accusing you of lying. I am not saying you're wrong. I am saying that you didn't see him take your parents lives. How can you be certain? How can you blame someone for a crime you know nothing about?"

I don't respond, shifting my eyes from hers. What am I to say? She's right? I'm right? Doubt begins to stir within my stomach creating a heavy burden.

"Percy, look at me."

My eyes shift back to hers. I don't correct her, the fire in her eyes is burning through me. Her hand remains on my cheek, almost grounding me to this moment.

"I'm going to tell you what I think. I think that you get a sense of comfort for blaming someone you don't know. You can set your heart on revenge without remorse. You get comfort in being able to do something. You can hunt the killer and gain closure because it was by your hand. You need to have some kind of power, a control of sorts. You need to know you weren't powerless. Percy, you are human, but is blaming someone because they were there a means for judgement in the crazy world we live in?" Her eyes never leave mine as she waits for a response.

"I feel like I'm being scolded." I grumble. Allagi rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Gods, what are you five? I can't tell you how to think or respond, but think about it okay?" She speaks in a motherly tone. Silently I nod yes.

We sit still like that for a moment. Her hand still caressing my cheek, our eyes glued to each other's gazes.

"Woah, um. Are we interrupting something?" Asked Nova as he walks into the living room, a glass of chocolate milk in hand and Alpha following closely behind him.

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